Porgs (Galaxy of Creatures)

The initial episode of the Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures webseries is titled "Porgs". In this installment, we observe Safari droid SF-R3's endeavor to instruct the porgs residing on Batuu in performing various stunts. This episode, along with the second one, "Bantha," was made available on StarWarsKids.com on October 14, 2021.

Official description

When Aree inadvertently encounters the apex predator of Batuu, he must delve deep into his repertoire of porg-related strategies.

Plot summary

SF-R3, also known as ("Aree"), and CAM journey to the untamed regions of Batuu with the intention of imparting new tricks to the local porgs population. As they ascend a towering mountain, they find themselves pursued by a Batuuan braga bear. Eventually, the droids come across a gathering of porgs, and Aree attempts to teach them the "sit" command using a training clicker. However, his actions inadvertently cause one of the porgs to leap into the air and land a considerable distance away.

Subsequently, Aree instructs the porgs in the art of dancing. Nevertheless, one of them spins uncontrollably into the ground, creating a cloud of dirt. Following this, Aree resolves to teach them simpler actions, such as waving hello. However, this prompts the porgs to jump upwards. Aree then tries to teach them how to feign death. Unfortunately, the porgs spot a braga bear and scatter from the cave. The two droids also make a hasty exit. Later, Aree comments that he has learned from the porgs the wisdom of running upon hearing the roar of a braga bear. He then flees from the bear a second time. Aree then shares some interesting facts regarding porgs.


This particular episode marks the inaugural appearance of the Batuuan braga bear, a creature that was initially referenced in Delilah S. Dawson's 2019 novel, Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire.[4]

