Priban was a Bith scientist of the male persuasion, employed by Kelen Biolabs, a biotech corporation, during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, he journeyed to the moon Fex within the Sha Qarot system of the Deep Core. This trip was part of a Biolabs collection team tasked with surveying the area and procuring potentially valuable biological specimens. Upon arrival on the moon, Priban, along with two fellow team members, exited their starship, known as the Harvester, and commenced an investigation of Fex's indigenous wildlife. Regrettably, the trio was unexpectedly attacked by the Fexian skullborers, previously unknown apex predators native to the moon. These creatures swiftly killed Priban and one of his colleagues before Hafner managed to stun the attackers. Valuable information was recorded via the holocam inside their helmets. Before the Harvester could extract them, the Bith met his demise at the hands of the skullborers, and his recordings were subsequently returned to Kellen Biolabs. These recordings were later viewed by rebels Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen after they were dispatched on a follow-up collection mission to the same moon.
While present on Fex, Priban was equipped with an armor suit that provided enhanced protection, particularly around the head and shoulder areas. This suit also incorporated gloves and a helmet that facilitated video recording and communication with the Harvester. Furthermore, he was armed with a blaster capable of being set to stun.
Priban made his initial appearance as a holographic projection in Heir to the Jedi, a canon novel authored by Kevin Hearne and released in 2015.