Purge of suspected Crimson Dawn collaborators

In the year 3 ABY, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, along with a diverse group of assassins and heroes calling themselves the Revengers, initiated a purge. This involved eliminating Imperial personnel found to be among Crimson Dawn infiltrators. The list of these individuals was obtained after they attacked the Crimson Dawn Sub-Headquarters located on Laecor. Unbeknownst to Vader and his team, as they journeyed to Coruscant after securing the list, it had been deliberately planted by Sabé, a Crimson Dawn operative. Her true motive was to hunt the Sith Lord, and at least half the names on the list were actually loyal to the Empire.

Vader, accompanied by the assassin Ochi, proceeded to the Imperial throne room within the Imperial Palace. There, he executed several of Darth Sidious's advisers (his Sith Master), and all of his Royal Guard. Subsequently, Sidious informed Vader that only one of those killed had ties to Crimson Dawn, revealing the list's inaccuracy. Vader, however, was already aware of this, as Ochi had informed him that the Assassin's Guild could only verify half the list as spies. Vader chose to continue the operation as part of his ongoing mission to impose order across the galaxy: he reasoned that even if only half were traitors, the risk of sparing potential spies justified their deaths.

Simultaneously, the Revengers, composed of S'ira, Ankala Sahm, and Tanka, were dispatched alongside the assassin Gee-Ninety and Imperial officer Beilert Valance to assassinate Baron Espis Zanchal, a mission they successfully completed. However, it was later discovered that the baron had no connection to Crimson Dawn. While these events unfolded, two other assassins from Vader's crew traveled to the Executor, the Sith Lord's flagship. They eliminated numerous stormtroopers and Imperial officers, but spared General Hurst Romodi's life, as his name was not on the list.

After the purges concluded, Vader told Ochi that the list was a plant, and that he needed to discover what connected the individuals on the list, as it would lead them to who had planted it, and then they could discover why. Ochi confronted Sly Moore, the Sub-Administrator, accusing her of planting the list. Moore denied involvement, after which ZED-6-7, a forensics droid, and Sabé appeared, holding them at blasterpoint. Sabé threatened to reveal their secret allegiance to Crimson Dawn to Vader unless they complied with her demands.

Behind the scenes

Raffaele Ienco has released early versions of the purge action panels on Twitter.

