A set of electro swords belonged to Lady Qi'ra of the Crimson Dawn during the time known as the Imperial Era. Displaying the Teräs Käsi fighting style with the weapons, Qi'ra demonstrated great skill and employed them during her confrontation with the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader.

Shaped similarly to a sword, these weapons utilized by Lady Qi'ra had the ability to generate electrical energy. This electrical charge, when making contact, allowed them to effectively deflect and withstand clashes against a lightsaber without sustaining damage. The blade itself was colored black, while the hilt was gold. A hidden compartment was located at the hilt's end, capable of deploying a series of small grenades. Furthermore, the two swords could be joined at the ends of their hilts to form a more substantial double-bladed weapon for melee combat.

Following extensive instruction in both Teräs Käsi and Sith combat by her master Maul, Qi'ra employed these electrified swords as the leader of the criminal organization Crimson Dawn.
During the Auction for Han Solo organized by Qi'ra on the Crimson Dawn flagship Vermillion, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader disrupted the proceedings, asserting his claim to the carbonite block containing the smuggler Han Solo over Jabba the Hutt. After an agreement was reached to deliver Solo to Vader, Qi'ra insisted on repayment and criticized the Empire for their perceived stinginess when Vader declined. This provoked the Sith Lord to activate his lightsaber and attack Qi'ra, who responded by drawing her own blades and engaging Vader in a short duel.
As Lady Qi'ra fought Vader, the Sith Lord commented on her training before attempting to Force choke her. In response, Qi'ra activated the hidden compartment on one of her hilts, launching small grenades at Vader. However, this proved ineffective as Vader used the Force to evade the explosions. Qi'ra then combined her blades, attacking Vader with the double-bladed weapon before the Sith Lord used the Force to push Qi'ra, causing her to drop her weapons and fall. Despite her defeat, Vader spared Qi'ra's life, being distracted by the arrival of the rebel Luke Skywalker.
Qi'ra's electro swords made their debut in the Marvel Comics comic book mini-series and crossover event known as Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters, a product of comic writer Charles Soule and illustrator Luke Ross.