Quille, a male individual, held the esteemed rank of Grand Moff within the Imperial Remnant and presided over the Council of Moffs during the year 41 ABY. He stood as a competitor to Gilad Pellaeon, who had reassumed his position as Supreme Commander. Quille superintended a group of Moffs within the council who were against the aging Pellaeon. As an expansionist Moff, Quille desired to see the Remnant evolve into a renewed Galactic Empire, potentially rivaling the existing galactic government, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the dissenting Confederation, Alliance Joint-Chief of State and Sith Lord Darth Caedus dispatched a message to Pellaeon concerning a possible military alliance between the Alliance and the Remnant for an assault on the Confederation world of Fondor. Upon Pellaeon's refusal, Caedus reached out to Quille, extending the same proposition—in return for the Remnant's naval forces, Caedus would cede control of Bilbringi and Borleias to the Remnant. Faced with the prospect of expanding the Remnant's borders, Quille presented the offer at a Council meeting. Following deliberation by Pellaeon and the Moffs, they unanimously agreed to accept the offer and provide assistance to the Alliance in capturing and securing Fondor.
In the course of the Second Battle of Fondor, Quille, along with a contingent of his Moffs, accompanied Pellaeon into battle aboard the Turbulent-class Star Destroyer known as the Bloodfin. As the battle unfolded, Pellaeon was assassinated by Tahiri Veila, an aspiring Sith apprentice. Quille and his faction promptly assumed command of the Star Destroyer, but a mutiny instigated by Vitor Reige, Pellaeon's aide, compelled the treacherous Moffs to fortify themselves within the warship's command citadel. A boarding party of Mandalorian warriors, led by Mandalore Boba Fett, advanced on the citadel, swiftly breaching its defenses and eliminating the trapped Moffs within. Quille, alongside his entire faction, met his demise in the assault.

Quille was a male Grand Moff belonging to the Imperial Remnant, who, by the time 41 ABY arrived, had a position on the governing Council of Moffs. He spearheaded a group of Moffs who opposed Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, making him a notable figure on the Council, often accompanied by Moffs who shared his opposition to Pellaeon. Moreover, Quille was among the Moffs who harbored desires to expand the borders of the Imperial Remnant.
As the Second Galactic Civil War unfolded in 41 ABY, pitting the Galactic Alliance against the dissenting rebellion known as the Confederation, Darth Caedus, the Galactic Alliance Joint-Chief of State, aimed to strike at the Colonies world of [Fondor](/article/fondor-legends], a pivotal member of the Confederation. To secure an Alliance triumph, Caedus sought assistance from the Remnant and formally requested it from Pellaeon. However, the Supreme Commander lacked the inclination to align the Remnant with Caedus's administration and initially turned down the offer. Determined to secure the Remnant's support, Caedus opted to circumvent Pellaeon and directly present the offer to the Moffs, informing Quille about it.
The Council of Moffs convened in the city of Ravelin on Bastion, the Remnant's capital, shortly thereafter. As the meeting commenced, Quille disclosed the proposal to his fellow Moffs, thereby confirming Pellaeon's suspicion that the Grand Moff had received the same offer from Caedus. When Quille announced the opportunity to expand the Remnant's borders, Moff Drikl Lecersen—a Pellaeon ally—urged Quille to proceed. The Moffs engaged in a brief discussion, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of allying with the Galactic Alliance. When one Moff inquired about the specifics of the offer, Pellaeon interjected, stating that Caedus was fully prepared to relinquish the systems of Bilbringi and Borleias in exchange for access to the Remnant's forces. When other Moffs raised concerns about Caedus potentially losing the war, Quille pointed out that the Alliance Chief of State had already achieved numerous victories. Nevertheless, lacking a formal offer, the Moffs did not vote on the matter and promptly exited the room.
At a subsequent meeting, the Moffs revisited the proposal. Pellaeon believed that holding both Bilbringi and Borleias would require effort, but Quille largely disagreed. Moff Rosset suggested that Remnant forces could easily seize both systems without accepting Caedus's offer, but Quille argued that if the Remnant accepted the offer and assisted in capturing Fondor, the Alliance would be too preoccupied to hold the world and request further Remnant assistance—allowing the Remnant to annex Fondor unopposed. Even Pellaeon conceded to that point. When the Supreme Commander inquired whether the Moffs unanimously agreed to accept the offer, they responded with enthusiastic applause.
Having accepted Caedus's offer, the Remnant assembled a flotilla of Imperial warships to support the Galactic Alliance assault on Fondor. Quille and his faction of Moffs accompanied Pellaeon into the engagement aboard the Turbulent-class Star Destroyer Bloodfin. As the battle progressed and Fondor's defeat appeared imminent, Caedus ordered the orbital bombardment of the Fondorian city of Oridin. Admiral Cha Niathal, the other Alliance Chief of State, was dismayed by Caedus's tactic and, via comlink, informed Fondorian President Shas Vadde that if he surrendered, she would personally ensure that the world received special status within the Alliance and assistance in recovering from the bombardment. Although Vadde accepted the offer and recalled his fleet, Caedus insisted that the Alliance forces seize the opportunity and destroy the Fondorian fleet. In the ensuing tense moments, the four elements of the battle—Caedus's forces, Niathal's ships, the Remnant flotilla, and the Fondorian fleet—awaited the first move.

The standoff fueled Quille's ambitions. As the Moffs and Pellaeon deliberated on their course of action, Quille suggested that the Imperial forces seize the moment to capture Fondor for themselves. Pellaeon rebuked the Grand Moff for the idea—secretly hoping that Tahiri Veila, Caedus's liaison aboard the Bloodfin, had overheard Quille and would inform Caedus of the Grand Moff's intentions. Quille relented when Pellaeon pressed him further. Meanwhile, Caedus made his move and resumed the battle, prompting Niathal and Pellaeon to order their respective fleets to side with Fondor. Pellaeon's decision slightly unsettled the Moffs, but even Quille agreed that they would honor the surrender. As Pellaeon departed from the Moffs and retired to his cabin, he pondered what he would do with Quille once the battle concluded.
When Veila attempted to sway Pellaeon's decision and convince him to stand down against Caedus's forces, Pellaeon refused and promptly instructed his commanders and ships to place themselves at Niathal's disposal. In response, Veila shot Pellaeon with her blaster. Quille briefly glanced into the cabin to assess the situation; upon noticing Pellaeon on the ground, he withdrew his head from the cabin. As Pellaeon lay dying, he overheard Quille and his Moffs conversing just outside the cabin, with Quille advising the others to wait until they were certain Pellaeon was dead to avoid becoming implicated in the murder. Before the Supreme Commander passed away, he whispered his last word—"Quille"—into a comlink, hoping his ally Admiral Natasi Daala would hear the name and add it to her list of traitorous Moffs to eliminate. With Pellaeon gone, Quille became the most senior Moff aboard the Bloodfin.
Seizing the opportunity, Quille and his Moffs sought to assume control of the Bloodfin. However, upon learning of the Supreme Commander's death, Vitor Reige, one of Pellaeon's aides, led the crew in a mutiny against the Moffs. Quille and his allies were compelled to barricade themselves within the hardened citadel that served as the Star Destroyer's command center. A boarding party of Mandalorian Supercommandos under the command of Mandalore Boba Fett and employed by Daala fought their way toward the citadel, eliminating any resistance they encountered. When the fighting ceased, the traitorous Moffs—including Grand Moff Quille—lay dead throughout the command center. Daala surveyed the carnage and personally inspected the bodies, taking pride in the fact that Pellaeon had been avenged.
Quille, similar to some of his contemporary Moffs, was an expansionist who aspired to see the Imperial Remnant expand and transform into a new Galactic Empire. The Grand Moff wielded considerable influence on the Council of Moffs, leading a faction of Moffs who opposed Gilad Pellaeon, the former de facto dictator who had returned as Supreme Commander. Pellaeon did not underestimate the Grand Moff or his faction. As the events above Fondor unfolded, Quille's readiness to exploit the situation to advance his own ambitions led Pellaeon to believe that the man lacked loyalty—the Grand Moff had betrayed the Supreme Commander and was prepared to betray Caedus as well. Following Pellaeon's murder, Quille chose not to touch the corpse, fearing that he would become "unclean" and thus implicated in the Supreme Commander's death.
Grand Moff Quille made his initial appearance in Karen Traviss's 2008 novel Legacy of the Force: Revelation, the eighth installment in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. In the book, he played a relatively minor role as Gilad Pellaeon's primary adversary on the Council of Moffs and a key supporter of Darth Caedus's proposal for Alliance-Remnant unification. He later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.