A raid was executed in 3956 BBY during the Jedi Civil War by Revan, the one-time Dark Lord of the Sith, in conjunction with his allies Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi. The team infiltrated the Sith Empire's Embassy, located in Ahto City on Manaan, a neutral world situated in the Outer Rim. Their objective was to recover an encrypted data module from a defunct Republic submersible probe droid housed within the embassy.
During this operation, Revan discovered several missing Selkath adolescents, successfully swayed them to defect from the Sith's cause, and acquired a comprehensive schematic of Darth Malak's strategy for planetary conquest. Despite the mission's ultimate success in retrieving the data, Revan faced trial by the Selkath authorities. However, by revealing the Sith's schemes, all accusations were dismissed, and he was released from their custody.
Seeking the Star Map on Manaan, as part of his larger quest to find the enigmatic Star Forge, the amnesiac Revan and the crew of the Ebon Hawk sought a method to reach the bottom of the planet's global ocean. A vision experienced by Revan, and shared with Bastila Shan, his fellow Jedi companion with whom he shared a bond, revealed that the map was located there. After locating the Republic Embassy within Ahto City, Revan, Shan, and Onasi engaged with Roland Wann, the diplomat heading the Galactic Republic's mission. Wann requested Revan's assistance, asking him to infiltrate the Sith Empire's Embassy to recover the data module from a submersible probe droid before the Sith could decrypt it. This droid had been damaged by firaxan sharks and, due to the Sith's influence on the Selkath government, was captured by them before the Republic could retrieve it.
Furthermore, Revan consented to locate several missing Force-sensitive Selkath youths, having received information about their whereabouts from the Iridonian mercenary who had guided them there. Among these was Shasa, daughter of Shaelas, who had offered a reward for information regarding her daughter's location.
Roland Wann presented Revan with several options for carrying out the infiltration. These included interrogating a captured Sith operative who had attempted to infiltrate the Republic Embassy, in order to gain access to the facility. Another possibility was to decrypt a shipment of blank Sith datacards intercepted by the Republic, allowing one of the cards to be used to open the Embassy gates. The final, and potentially most dangerous, route was to use a keycard captured from the Sith spy, which would grant access to a heavily guarded docking bay containing a transport to the base.

Upon entering the Embassy, the situation rapidly intensified as the team advanced further. Revan and his companions soon encountered numerous Sith troopers and assault droids, along with several Dark Jedi. They quickly located the disassembly room where the captured probe droid was being examined. In the ensuing firefight, the guards were swiftly defeated, allowing Revan to obtain the module. Continuing onward, Revan and his companions faced more Sith troops, droids, and Dark Jedi. Utilizing their combined skills and drawing upon the Force, the team overcame various obstacles. These included malfunctioning flow control rooms and a steam-filled corridor leading to a computer access terminal. Using this terminal, the team improved their odds by overloading barracks electrical conduits and bypassing locked shield walls.
The group eventually arrived at the training quarters, where Revan discovered Galas, a young Selkath dying from torture inflicted by the Sith, clutching a small pin. In desperation, the wounded Selkath thrust the token upon the Jedi, pleading with him to inform Shasa, who resided in a nearby dormitory with other Force-sensitive Selkath. Initially, Shasa and the others wanted to alert their masters to the intruders' presence. However, Shasa argued that they couldn't always rely on their masters, and another apprentice suggested it was a test. Revan showed Shasa the blood-smeared pin as he attempted to convince her and her friends that the Sith were malevolent and sought to conquer Manaan for its kolto. Finally understanding the truth, the youths left the Embassy, eager to inform the Ahto City authorities.

Revan and his companions proceeded to confront the Sith Master in charge of all Sith operations on Manaan. To complete the mission and secure the data regarding the Sith Empire's plan to corrupt Manaan's youth by drawing them into the dark side, he was forced to kill two more Selkath apprentices, as well as the Master. Following the brief battle, Revan entered the Master's inner sanctum, disarmed the mines, and obtained the data. With their objective complete, the trio returned to the Embassy entrance, encountering and killing Grann, the commander of the Embassy base, along with the guard at the security checkpoint and four war droids as they attempted to escape.
Their troubles were far from over, however, as they were apprehended shortly after leaving the Embassy by a member of the Ahto City Civil Authority and a number of war droids. Revan and his companions were placed under arrest for crimes against the peace and the Sith Empire, including the murder of members of the Ambassadorial Commission. During the subsequent trial, Revan was designated as the primary defendant, and the somewhat unenthusiastic Bwa'lass was appointed as his Arbiter. In his defense, Revan simply presented Bwa'lass with the datapad obtained from the Embassy; during the trial, he pleaded "not guilty" and presented the information to the judges. Based on the evidence, all charges against Revan and the crew of the Ebon Hawk were dropped, the Sith Empire was banned from Manaan, and their facility in Ahto City was sealed and guarded.
Although the mission itself lacks a formal name, it is derived from a quest that the player must undertake to progress the plot, alongside at least two optional side quests. The mission has consequences for the player and the course of the war, as the data obtained from the Sith Master, when presented to the Ahto City Court, results in a substantial fine for the Sith Empire and a more pro-Republic stance among the Selkath leaders.
The mission as described in this article assumes 100% completion of the game and the canonical light side storyline. Players who choose the dark path have other options: they can leave the Selkath youth at the Embassy to be indoctrinated with the dark side, ignore them, or even kill them. In the subsequent trial, if Revan does not obtain the data on the Sith corruption plot, they can attempt to persuade the court to find him not guilty by blaming the Republic delegation. Alternatively, the player may claim that the Sith lured him/her to the base under the guise of diplomatic negotiations, resulting in their release due to insufficient evidence. However, if these attempts fail, Revan will be executed, and the game will end.