Raiders of the Lost Gundark

"Gundark of the Lost Raiders" is a narrative presented in comic form, spotlighting Padmé Amidala alongside Jar Jar Binks. It debuted as the primary story within Star Wars Adventures (2017) 18 on February 20, 2019.

The tale's name playfully alludes to the 1981 motion picture Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Story Synopsis

Amidala and Binks are attacked by slitherfish

Queen Padmé Amidala's activities were interrupted by the arrival of the Gungan, Jar Jar Binks, bearing what he deemed to be favorable tidings for the queen. Binks, while exploring the swamps, had stumbled upon a map leading to a Gungan artifact of significant power. Despite her initial hesitation, Amidala eventually consented to accompany Binks on his expedition. Shortly minutes afterward, Amidala joined Binks, and they set out towards the swamps.

En route, the queen inquired of Binks regarding the nature of the relic they sought. Binks relayed that Boss Rugor Nass held the belief that it possessed Bombad magic. Amidala and Binks ventured into a shadowy vine forest. However, they soon discovered that they were not surrounded by mere vines but rather by slitherfish, which swiftly ensnared the Gungan. Reacting with alacrity, Queen Amidala brandished her blaster pistol and discharged it at the fish. The pair then made a hasty retreat from the forest.

Continuing their journey, Amidala and Binks arrived at a bridge. Despite its dilapidated state, Binks resolved to attempt crossing it. Upon taking his first step, a section of the bridge crumbled away. Amidala, opting for a different approach, fired a grappling hook to the opposite side and traversed the bridge by walking along its railing. Binks, in contrast, sprinted across the bridge as it disintegrated behind him.

The ancient relic was really a blobball

They came upon a cave that instilled fear in them both. They made their way down through the cave, navigating through tight spaces and perilous regions until they got to the opening of another chamber. Binks remarked that there appeared to be no immediate threats present. Amidala instructed him to remain where he was while she retrieved the relic. The relic was a spherical, grey object resting on a table. However, upon lifting it, a sizable gundark emerged from the darkness. Binks emitted a piercing scream, which impaired the gundark's hearing, causing it to withdraw. Amidala expressed her gratitude to Binks as they journeyed back to Otoh Gunga.

Upon their arrival at Otoh Gunga, Binks presented Boss Nass with the relic, only for Nass to promptly take a bite out of it. The relic turned out to be a snack food known as a soshinyday blobball. He thanked Binks and then requested that he retrieve another one, much to the chagrin of Jar Jar Binks.

