Rebel Rendezvous

Rebel Rendezvous served as a meeting place for the Alliance to Restore the Republic in a secret location, utilized from 3 ABY to 4 ABY. Following the possession of the unconventional archaeologist Chelli Lona Aphra by the Spark Eternal, the smuggler Sana Starros gathered a group to locate Aphra and bring her back to Lady Domina Tagge. After enlisting Professor Eustacia Okka, fellow archeologist Detta Yao, and her father Korin Aphra, she reached out to the rebel Magna Tolvan, a previous romantic partner of Aphra, through a protected communication line. Tolvan consented to a meeting at the Rebel Rendezvous.

Production Notes

The twenty-first issue of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic book series, which is part of the 2020 canon, marked the debut of Rebel Rendezvous. Alyssa Wong wrote the issue, Minkyu Jung and Rachelle Rosenberg provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on June 29, 2022.

