
title: Rebirth

The Rebirth represented the personalized worldcraft project of Hethrir, who held the title of Imperial Procurator of Justice. As an award for his successful purge of Firrerre, Emperor Palpatine gifted it to him.


After the Battle of Endor, which occurred in 4 ABY, Hethrir began constructing a complex that functioned as a "school". Within this school, he housed Force-sensitive children that he had either abducted or captured. Those demonstrating significant potential were placed aboard Rebirth for the purpose of indoctrination.

Hethrir, possessing an ability to dampen the Force abilities of others, frequently prevented Non-Humans from displaying any connection to the Force. This resulted in their enslavement and sale, a practice that aligned with the Humanocentric ideals of the Galactic Empire. Conversely, Humans with Force potential were promoted within the ranks of the Helpers, Proctors, and Empire Youth.

Many of Hethrir's students were transported to the temple of Waru, located on Crseih Station, for what was termed "purification." Waru, posing as a healer, would occasionally kill those brought to him, absorbing their life force. The Empire Youth who survived this process were often dispatched to infiltrate the New Republic, where they worked secretly to destabilize it.

In 14 ABY, Hethrir orchestrated the abduction of Leia Organa Solo's three children, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin, by his Proctors. This occurred during an official state visit to Munto Codru in the Outer Rim, where Leia served as the New Republic Chief of State. By temporarily suppressing Leia's Force-based connection to her children and using a pressure bomb to disable their protectors—the Wookiee Chewbacca and a local page—Anakin, Jacen, Jaina Solo, and the chamberlain's wyrwulf were seized and transported away via skiff. They were then transported to Hethrir's worldcraft, while Leia was advised to await a ransom demand.

Once on his worldcraft, Hethrir informed the children that their parents had died and declared that he would now care for them as their hold-father. The children, however, remained suspicious and showed remarkable resistance to the "programming" administered at the school. Hethrir assigned his son, Tigris, to oversee Anakin, while the twins were placed with the other imprisoned children, including a Chironian girl named Lusa. The abducted children caused considerable disruption at the station, utilizing the Force to torment the young Proctors.

Despite being held in separate cells, the Solo twins successfully escaped, freeing a number of other children in the process. With the assistance of a female sand dragon that Jacen communicated with, they fled the compound entirely and sought refuge from the Proctors and Helpers in a nearby swamp. Simultaneously, Leia, accompanied by Hethrir's former mate Rillao and Chewbacca, arrived aboard their transport, the Alderaan, rescuing the children and detaining the unprepared Proctors with the sand dragon's help.

However, they arrived too late to rescue Anakin, as Hethrir had already departed for Crseih Station with a contingent of Proctors. His intention was to revive the Empire Reborn and sacrifice Anakin within the temple of Waru. Pursuing him closely, the two mothers entrusted the children to the care of Chewbacca, R2-D2, and the worldcraft's Veubg cook, Grake.

R2-D2 also reprogrammed Hethrir's worldcraft to jump to the Codru system, where it was subsequently seized by the New Republic and local Munto Codru forces. Subsequently, the worldcraft was moved to a secure, classified system. There, a team of New Republic scientists, including Bevel Lemelisk, meticulously examined Hethrir's captured worldcraft. Their research aimed to gain insights into engineering and energy management techniques. Some of this research contributed to the technological advancements seen in the New Class starships of the New Republic Space Navy.

