Recnelo Cott

A female Ugnaught named Recnelo Cott resided in Cloud City on Bespin during 3 ABY of the year, working within the tibanna gas mines and choosing to live separately from her Ugnaught clan. Her residence was an apartment situated on Level 121, where she rented a room to Isabalia. Cott participated in an organized event, spearheaded by Joy Iya, aiming to instigate a city-wide work stoppage to attract the attention of Calrissian and other city administrators. Initially, their attempts to involve Isabalia proved fruitless. However, the situation escalated when a stormtrooper materialized, brandishing a blaster at the assembled group. Reacting instinctively, Cott engaged in a firefight and subsequently subdued the stormtrooper, rendering them unconscious. Following this, she volunteered to join Iya's work stoppage, and Iya's reply filled her with optimism for a shared future.

Behind the scenes

The character Recnelo Cott made her debut in "Beyond the Clouds," a short story penned by Lilliam Rivera. This story was part of the 2020 anthology titled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. Prior to the anthology's release, the character was teased, although not named, in a promotional tweet from the Del Rey Star Wars books account.

