Rendezvous at Bespin

"Rendezvous at Bespin" marks the forty-ninth installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. Its initial release occurred on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on June 11, 2020. Subsequently, it was incorporated into a larger YouTube compilation video titled "The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary," which was made available on June 19, 2020.

Plot summary

Fleeing from the clutches of the Galactic Empire, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO seek sanctuary with Han's longtime acquaintance Lando Calrissian located in Cloud City. Upon landing the Millennium Falcon, they are met with a cool reception from Calrissian, who harbors resentment over the Falcon's past loss. However, Lando warms up and embraces Han, inquiring about his presence on Bespin. Han explains to Lando that he requires repairs and seeks his assistance.

Subsequently, Lando guides Han, Leia, and Chewbacca into a dining area, asserting that he has brokered an agreement that will permanently shield Cloud City from Imperial interference. Within the dining area, they are unexpectedly confronted by Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Han fires at Lord Vader, but the Sith Lord employs the Force to deflect the shots and confiscate his blaster. Vader informs the rebels that they will be privileged to join them. As Lando expresses remorse for betraying his friend, the doors shut.

Inside the carbon-freezing chamber, Solo is lowered into the machinery in the presence of the Imperials, his fellow rebels, and Lando. Leia professes her love for Han just before he is frozen in carbonite. As the encased Han is raised, Chewbacca emits a mournful cry.

Later on, Chewie, C-3PO, and Leia are escorted by stormtroopers through the corridors of Cloud City. Undergoing a change of heart, Lando gets in touch with Lobot and a number of Bespin Wing Guards who proceed to disarm the Imperials. Leia remains angry and distrustful of Lando, questioning his intentions. Lando responds that he is extracting them from the situation and frees Chewbacca's bonds. Leia remains unwilling to trust him and Chewbacca constricts Lando, who mouths that he was trying to save Han.

Afterwards, Boba Fett observes as a Bespin Wing Guard loads Han's frozen form onto his vessel, the Slave I. Lando, Leia, and Chewbacca arrive accompanied by C-3PO, but they are unable to prevent Fett from escaping with Han. Later, the rebels make their escape aboard the Millennium Falcon following a firefight with Imperial forces. Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando initiate the Falcon's systems and depart from Cloud City.

