"Rey and the Secret Treasure – Chapter 1," which premiered on YouTube on September 27, 2019, represents the eighth installment within the Star Wars Roll Out series of animated shorts.
The opening sequence showcases BB-8 and a Star Wars ball taking the lead, followed by Rey, Maz Kanata, Finn, Captain Phasma, a pair of stormtroopers, Ben Solo, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and a trio of porgs.
On the arid planet of Jakku, Rey pilots her speeder past the wreckage of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer situated in the Starship Graveyard. She investigates the abandoned Star Destroyer, passing by one of its engine nozzles. Rey rappels down into the hangar bay. She sifts through various sections before locating a corroded engine coil.
Subsequently, Rey spots a pink gem suspended above and clambers over some rubble to reach it. After multiple attempts, Rey successfully retrieves the gem. Her elation is short-lived as Teedo and two fellow Teedos use a lasso to snatch the gem. Teedo proceeds to dislodge several rocks onto her using his lasso. The Teedos erupt in laughter before departing.
Rey extricates herself from the rubble and expresses a defeated sigh. At Niima Outpost, Rey presents her engine coil to Unkar Plutt, who compensates her with a single credit. Teedo shoves her aside and hands the purloined gem to Plutt, who rewards the Teedos with multiple credits. They mock Rey. Rey confronts them, but Teedo ensnares her with his lasso and hurls her aside. The Teedos saunter away, chuckling, leaving behind a glowering Rey.
While traversing the desert on her speeder, Rey stumbles upon a deep chasm. Disembarking from her speeder, she climbs down a series of rocks into the pit, where she uncovers a cavern brimming with even more vibrant gems.