
Rib-cats were a species of felines, specifically non-sentient ones, that inhabited the lunar surface of Nar Shaddaa.


This species of rib-cat was characterized by a slender build, elongated, pointed ears, and sharp [teeth](/article/tooth], along with six legs. Their pelage displayed a range of brown and tan hues, and their eyes could be colored gold, black, or brown. Some rib-cats were tamed and kept as companions, even developing strong bonds with their owners. These creatures were predatory by nature, known for preying on and consuming rodents and aquatic animals. Domesticated rib-cats were also fed commercial rib-cat food, vitablox, and the liquid part of Purlah Soup, and they would vocalize when they experienced hunger.


The con artist known as Loonoo was the owner of multiple rib-cats, including individuals named Ashes, Grish, Mixie, Molly, and Smokey. A significant population of feral rib-cats thrived within Nar Shaddaa's Corellian Sector. To deter these abundant rib-cats, many shopkeepers on the moon strategically placed paw spikes outside their establishments. Loonoo, however, chose not to use paw spikes, believing this was the reason wild rib-cats frequently visited his residence. Nevertheless, they roamed freely throughout the area, so much so that the smuggler Sana Starros remarked that she had lost track of the number of rib-cats that had boarded her vessel. Loonoo and Starros documented their encounters with these felines in Maz Kanata's Smuggler's Guide after acquiring it. Subsequently, the book fell into the hands of Skrrll, who recounted a tale of discovering a wild rib-cat near Bammy Decree's Spacebarn. Developing an affection for the creature, Skrrll decided to adopt it and named it Warm Face.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of rib-cats was in Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, a replica journal penned by Daniel Wallace in 2018.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
