"Rose Knows" is a narrative centered around Rose Tico following her assignment to the Raddus. It initially appeared as the primary story in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 6, released on January 17, 2018.
Rose Tico was reviewing the schematics of the Raddus, the MC85 Star Cruiser, when Lazslo, a fellow member of the Resistance, requested her assistance with the evacuation. Rose countered that she had already contributed significantly. She approached her sister, Paige Tico, who advised her to get some sleep. Rose promised to do so after examining the Raddus's mechanics, some of which were Calamarian. After Paige departed, Rose resumed studying the ship. Poe Dameron arrived and praised her and the other Resistance mechanics for their efforts. He also mentioned getting lost on the ship and struggling to understand the Mon Calamari signs. After he left, Rose was taken aback by the encounter with the Resistance pilot.
In space, Poe Dameron patrolled the area in his T-70 X-wing starfighter, known as the Black One. He was glad to be piloting his starfighter instead of studying diagrams.
Aboard the Raddus, Fossil also attempted to persuade Rose to rest, emphasizing her importance for the next day's system reboot. Rose maintained she was fine, and Fossil relented. As Rose yawned, the emergency alarm sounded throughout the ship. Commander Dameron was being pursued by ten First Order TIE fighters, but the hangar bay doors were stuck, leaving him vulnerable. Rose and the other flight technicians were ordered to report to the control room immediately.
In the control room, General Leia Organa instructed the technicians to fix the automation refit so Poe could reenter the Raddus. Poe requested backup while evading the TIE fighters. Rose consulted the manuals as other technicians worked on other issues. While Rose studied the guides, Poe Dameron radioed in, seeking assistance from any pilots. Rose informed him that the pilots were ready, but the hangar bay doors were jammed. Poe recognized her voice and told her to use the skills they had discussed earlier. Rose then had an idea and began pushing at the door. Over the headset, Lazslo reported to General Organa that the problem was more complex than initially thought. The General said that no one in the control room could get the manual reboot code to work as time was running out. As Poe continued to fight the TIE fighters, he asked Rose for an update. She started to explain the problem but was interrupted by Poe, who didn't want to hear about any problems.
Lazslo shouted at Rose from the doorway, urging her to hurry. Rose calmly responded that she wasn't making the situation worse. Poe advised her to ignore Lazslo and stay calm. General Leia contacted her over the comms and instructed her to access the downloaded schematics, expressing her confidence in her. As Poe inquired about Rose's name, his starfighter was critically hit by a TIE fighter, and he pleaded with the Resistance technicians to open the hangar doors. Rose continued her search until she found the "Calamarian failsafe automatic reboot code." She input the codes as everyone watched anxiously. The code worked, and the bay doors opened. Poe immediately flew into the hangar as Resistance X-wing starfighters rushed out and destroyed the TIE fighters.
The X-wings landed, and everyone celebrated around Rose, relieved to have survived. Paige hugged Rose, recognizing her contribution.