Rowe Jascott, known by the nickname "Torp," served as a pilot for the Rebel Alliance, specifically in Yellow Squadron. He maintained a friendship with another pilot, Karie Neth. During 4 ABY, Jascott assisted Neth in her search for their mutual friend, Lanna, aboard the Alliance's flagship, the Home One. Tragically, later that day, Jascott met his death in combat during the Battle of Endor.

Rowe Jascott, whose comrades called him "Torp", was a pilot within the Yellow Squadron of the Rebel Alliance's navy during the time of the Galactic Civil War. On the day that the Battle of Endor took place, in 4 ABY, Jascott sought out his friend and fellow wingmate Karie Neth, whom he jokingly referred to as "Krayt", inside the locker room of the Alliance flagship Home One. Neth, however, was not in the mood to converse and instead inquired about the whereabouts of their friend Lanna. Jascott, deducing that Lanna had roused Neth from her typically deep sleep, the two quipped that Lanna was destined to die in the impending battle against the forces of the Galactic Empire, with Jascott promising to toast to her at the victory celebration.
Subsequently, Jascott revealed that he was aware of Lanna's earlier presence in the locker room and her borrowing of Neth's flight gear, advising Neth to check the ship's flight deck. As she departed, Neth assured him that she would be watching his back during the battle. Jascott responded in a lighthearted manner, saying that he trusted her with his life. When the battle against the Empire began in the Endor system later that day, Jascott's starfighter was struck by a turbolaser blast from an Imperial capital ship just minutes after the fighting began, resulting in his death.
Jascott had copper-brown hair that reached his shoulders, which he typically kept tied back. He was known for his joking nature, particularly with his friend Karie Neth, to whom he expressed his complete trust.
Jascott possessed considerable skill as a pilot.
On the day he spoke with Neth during the Battle of Endor, Jascott was wearing a flight suit that was unzipped at the top. As a member of Yellow Squadron, he piloted a starfighter.
Rowe Jascott made an appearance in "The Extra Five Percent," a short story from 2023 penned by M. K. England, featured in the anthology From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi.