Runyips were a species of plant-eating creatures that grazed on the ground of Yavin 4's forests, where they were often beset by piranha beetles.
The pilot of the [Resistance](/article/resistance], Poe Dameron, sometimes sported a jacket crafted from runyip leather.

Runyips, quadrupeds with a stocky build, originated on Yavin 4, which is the fourth moon orbiting the gas giant Yavin. These creatures possessed antlered heads along with a pliable nose, and a claw adorned each of their front toes. Their fur displayed a distinctive pattern of black or dark brown stripes set against a whitish backdrop.
Runyips, classified as non-sentient, were plant-eaters, or herbivores, that inhabited the forest and obtained nourishment by foraging along the forest floor. They were frequently the target of attacks by groups of meat-eating piranha beetles.
The initial mention of Runyips in Star Wars canon occurred in the 2015 reference work titled Ultimate Star Wars, which saw its publication in 2015. Their debut appearance was in Electronic Arts' 2017 video game, Star Wars Battlefront II. The creation of Runyips initially took place for Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, a supplemental resource for West End Games' Star Wars Legends Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, authored by Jonatha Ariadne Caspian and launched in 1989.