Safa Toma, a city situated on the planet called Serolonis, gained prominence primarily due to its association with Riot Racing. Notable events, such as the Safa Toma Classic, took place at the Safa Toma Speedway, where attendees had the opportunity to wager on the outcomes.
As of 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire, which had been formed not long before, did not have dominion over this location. It was during this time that Clone Force 99, specifically Tech, Wrecker, and Omega, along with Ciddarin Scaleback, an information broker, arrived in the city using a Star Commuter 2000. Their purpose was to rendezvous with Cid's droid racer, TAY-0. Subsequently, Cid engaged in a wager with Grini Millegi, a Dowutin crime lord, betting that TAY-0 would emerge victorious in the upcoming race. However, the Nosaurian racer Jet Venim ultimately won. Unable to fulfill the terms of the bet, the Bad Batch intervened and proposed an alternative agreement: they would pay double if they were defeated in the subsequent race. With TAY-0 out of the picture, Tech assumed the role of racer for Cid and secured a win, thus rescuing Cid from Millegi's demands.