Sandro Alimander

Sandro Alimander was a musician of male sex who resided in the galaxy amidst the First Order-Resistance War, initially setting foot on the MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser known as the Halcyon. During his journey aboard the Chandrila Star Line cruiser, he encountered the renowned galactic icon Gaya and endeavored to win her favor through his musical abilities. Possessing talent as both a vocalist and guitarist, his aspiration was to transcend his status as the local "alien" and achieve triumph as a performer. Ultimately, he cultivated a romantic bond with Ouannii, Gaya's keyboardist, and the pair commenced performing collaboratively.

Behind the scenes

Sandro Alimander was a character within Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, an interactive lodging and entertainment venture that debuted in March of 2022 at the Walt Disney World Resort. In audition scripts released by The Walt Disney Company for the role, the musician crafts a spontaneous serenade for the celebrity, aided by the passengers of the Halcyon. Alimander was depicted either as a member of the Togruta species or as a Mirialan; however, on some instances, this character was played by a human.

