Sannah hailed from Yavin 8 and was a Melodie Jedi Knight of the female persuasion.
In the year 22 ABY, the Human Jedi apprentices Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila rescued Sannah. This occurred during their mission to the moon of Yavin 8, where they were tasked with escorting Lyric, a Melodie scheduled to participate in a significant form-changing ceremony. The duo discovered Sannah's Force-sensitive nature after she battled a raith. Subsequently, at the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, Luke Skywalker accepted her as a trainee. Furthermore, Sannah imparted her knowledge of Massassi inscriptions to Anakin and Tahiri, aiding them in breaking the curse of the Golden Globe.
Sannah advanced to become a cadet within the New Jedi Order, training alongside Valin Horn. Together with Valin, and much to Anakin's annoyance, she remained in the Great Temple alongside Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Master Ikrit to defend against the Peace Brigade. During an attempt to flee Yavin 4, Sannah's laughter erupted when Valin incited a swarm of insects to assault Remis Vehn, prompting Anakin to reprimand their behavior. Later, Sannah survived the Yuuzhan Vong War and was present on Zonama Sekot when Luke Skywalker summoned all Jedi to the location.