
Selven, a Human female, achieved notoriety as a highly skilled assassin, primarily known for her complete annihilation of the Ulgo family on the world of Taris.


Initially, Selven's career began as a simple mercenary killer working for Davik Kang, who was the crime boss in charge of the Exchange organization located on Taris. Later, she chose to leave his employment and instead became an independent assassin, offering her services to the highest bidder.

At some point near or before the year 3956 BBY, possibly contracted by House Organa, Selven committed the murder of six civilians which consisted of the entire House Ulgo family, in addition to all of their personal guards. This single massacre was only the beginning of a series of murders that ultimately resulted in the complete elimination of the Ulgo family on Taris. With each passing day, more members of the Ulgo family were killed by Selven through various means, including being shot down in the streets or poisoned inside their own residences. Despite the high levels of security measures that were in place against her, Selven was consistently able to avoid capture by the authorities, proving herself to be an unstoppable force against all of the guards and droids that the Ulgo family could gather for their protection. By the end of her killing spree, there were no members of the Ulgo family left alive on Taris, and she had gained a reputation as the most skilled assassin on the planet.

Following these events, House Organa placed significant pressure on the government to issue a contract for Selven's assassination, arguing that allowing such a mass murderer to remain free would endanger the lives of countless innocent people. However, the well-known and bitter rivalry between House Organa and House Ulgo led many to speculate that the Organa family had actually hired Selven to eliminate the Ulgos, and that they were hoping her death would prevent this secret from being revealed.

In 3956 BBY, Zax, the Hutt who managed the bounty office located inside Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City, posted the bounty for her capture or death. Numerous bounty hunters attempted to claim the reward, but Selven killed every single one of them. During the Jedi Civil War, when the Sith Empire took control of the planet, the assassin showed no fear when confronted by Sith troopers, killing any who treated her as an enemy.

The amnesiac, former Revan, who was temporarily stuck on Taris due to the Sith quarantine, decided to accept this bounty after his meeting with Zax. He and his companions were able to find Selven hiding in an apartment located in the Lower City, and it was there that the assassin finally met her end at his hands.

Revan would then successfully claim the bounty on her head before his escape from Taris.

Personality and traits

Selven, having exterminated an entire family on Taris, was known as a ruthless killer without any sense of morality, loyal only to money. She was notorious as the most dangerous assassin on Taris during her time, and she would proudly remind her enemies of this fact. When interacting with strangers, she was harsh and cold-hearted, confidently maintaining control over the situation through intimidation. As a fugitive, she was suspicious of everyone, taking no chances with strangers and asserting her authority at gunpoint, making it clear that she was the only one allowed to ask questions. With her extensive experience in killing, she had no fear of death and was quick to inflict it on those who posed a threat to her.

Despite her ruthlessness, she was willing to give trespassers a second chance to reconsider their actions if they claimed to be simply lost. However, this came with a clear warning that any further mistakes would be met with immediate retaliation without any chance for negotiation, a warning that she delivered with unwavering sincerity.

Skills and abilities

By 3956 BBY, Selven had established herself as the most dangerous assassin on Taris, a reputation that was earned through her ability to systematically kill every member of the Ulgo family, despite the efforts of local law enforcement and the family's guards to stop her. Her methods of assassination went beyond simple combat, as Zax mentioned her ability to poison people in their own homes. Despite her notoriety, she was able to consistently evade government authorities and other bounty hunters. Only Revan and his companions had the necessary skills to find and defeat her.

In combat, she typically relied on rapidly firing blaster bolts, but she was also capable of precise marksmanship. Furthermore, she was highly skilled in swordsmanship, which she would use if she found herself in close-quarters combat.


During battles, Selven wore standard battle armor from the Jedi Civil War era, which provided her with substantial protection against enemy weapons. She primarily used a single heavy blaster pistol, but she also kept a vibrosword nearby for close-quarters combat situations.

At the time of her death, she also possessed a pair of neural bands, an adrenaline amplifier, and a sniper rifle scope.

Behind the scenes

Selven appears as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where she is one of several bounty targets that the player, Revan, can pursue on Taris.

She is the only bounty target, aside from Matrik, out of a total of five, that the player can kill without gaining dark side points, due to her status as a mass murderer.

When the player finds her at her Lower City apartment, Selven immediately questions them about their intentions. The player can openly state that they intend to kill her to collect the bounty or that they plan to rob her. Both of these options will immediately lead to a fight. Alternatively, the player can claim that they innocently wandered into her apartment while exploring the area, to which Selven will respond by allowing them to leave, but only after warning them that entering her apartment again will result in immediate retaliation. If the player speaks to her again, she will attack. The player can also ask Selven to identify herself, but this will only lead back to the previously mentioned options, as Selven refuses to answer and insists that she is the only one who can ask questions.

The bounty on Selven, like all the other bounties posted by Zax, is worth 300 credits, or 400 if the player successfully negotiates for a higher amount. If the player fails to convince Zax to increase the reward but continues to pressure him, they will be dismissed without receiving any reward.

