Skirmish near the Sun Palace

The confrontation close to the Sun Palace represents an incident that transpired during the Odra crisis on the Forest Moon of Endor in the year 3 ABY. In this clash, a quartet of Ewoks hailing from Bright Tree Village found themselves in opposition to a limited contingent of Iceheads originating from the Snow Palace. The Ewoks were on a mission to reach the Sun King's palace, with the hope of assisting the Coalition of the Freezing. Conversely, the Iceheads aimed to apprehend the Ewoks and escort them back to the Snow King.

The battle unfolded both within the Ewoks' flying leaf and on the terrain below. Thanks to a tactic employed by Wicket W. Warrick, a pair of Iceheads were dislodged from the leaf and subsequently driven away by a snow monster. However, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka also fell from the leaf and was captured by two other Icehead soldiers. They brought her back to the Snow Palace, prompting the remaining Ewoks to pursue them in an attempt to rescue her.

Lead-up to the Battle

The confrontation took place during the Odra crisis situated on the Forest Moon of Endor. Odra, a Frost Sprite noble, had charmed the Snow King, a wizard who, along with three other magic practitioners, held dominion over the moon's weather. Under Odra's influence, the Snow King had absconded with a force artifact known as the season scepter from his brother, the Snow King. The victim of this theft then forged an alliance with two other wizards possessing weather-manipulating abilities on the moon: the Flower Queen and the Leaf Queen. The group of four sought assistance from Logray, the Ewok shaman of Bright Tree Village. Instead, they received four young Ewoks: Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Latara, Teebo, and Wicket Wystri Warrick. This quartet commandeered the Leaf Queen's flying leaf in Logray's place and set course for the coalition's headquarters at the Sun King's palace.

At the same time, Odra and the Snow King monitored the Ewoks' journey through a magical mirror. Suspecting that the Ewoks might be carrying Logray's potent Sunstar, they seized the opportunity. The Snow King dispatched a squad of his Icehead warriors to intercept the Ewoks and bring them back to the Snow Palace.

The Confrontation Itself

The Iceheads made their way to the area surrounding the Sun King's palace and concealed themselves behind snow-covered embankments. When the Ewoks' leaf came into view of the palace, the Iceheads launched their assault.

A pair of the enemy soldiers boarded the leaf and engaged the Ewoks in combat, resulting in Kneesaa being knocked off the vehicle and into the snow. Warrick attempted to dislodge the attackers by tugging on the leaf's stem. This caused the vehicle to swerve erratically and enter a cavernous tunnel. As it emerged on the other side, a snow monster had joined the combatants on the leaf. Seemingly provoked by the new presence, the snow beast attacked the two Iceheads riding the leaf, wrestling them to the snow below. Nevertheless, the Ewoks lost control of the flying leaf, which careened dangerously above, on top of, and into the snow fields. It ultimately crash-landed in the snow.

On the ground, the beast pursued the two Iceheads into the snow fields, effectively removing them from the conflict. Meanwhile, two other enemy soldiers subdued the princess. They escaped the skirmish and returned to their base.

The Result

The Iceheads returned to the Snow Palace with their captive, who refused to cooperate. Concurrently, the remaining Ewoks traveled to the Sun King's palace to receive further instructions. They were tasked with rescuing their friend and recovering the season scepter. After infiltrating the enemy base, the Ewoks faced off against enemy forces in the skirmish at the Snow Palace.

