Minor conflicts unfolded across the Naboo landscape during the Trade Federation Droid Army's Naboo invasion that occurred in 32 BBY. The Droid Army focused primarily on capturing the capital city of Theed, which was quickly captured. After securing Theed, the Trade Federation then initiated assaults on the surrounding countryside, aiming to gather the local inhabitants into prison encampments. Two soldiers belonging to the Royal Naboo Security Forces, namely Captain Kael and Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, escaped Theed aboard commandeered speeders and engaged several Federation STAPs targeting nearby farms. Evading pursuing Federation reinforcements, the two Naboo pilots then acquired N-X Police Cruisers and proceeded into the swamps, intending to solicit aid from a merchant village. As the village was under attack by Federation gunboats, Kael and Sykes engaged them in aerial combat, ultimately rescuing the houseboats being utilized by the villagers for their escape. In response to this assistance, the village leader suggested that Kael and Sykes should seek out a smuggler who might be able to assist them in fighting back against the Federation's invading force.
Following the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo in 32 BBY, the officers within the Royal Naboo Security Forces found themselves in a state of disorder. Facing the Federation Droid Army's overwhelming numbers, the remaining security personnel were instructed to evacuate the capital city of Theed, which had swiftly fallen to the Federation's control. Queen Amidala of Naboo also departed the planet to advocate for her people before the Galactic Senate. Two members of Naboo's Bravo Squadron, identified as Captain Kael and Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, absconded from Theed using stolen Federation speeders to reach the countryside. After securing the city, the Federation's forces began preparing to advance into the countryside, with the intention of suppressing any resistance and rounding up the inhabitants into prison facilities.
As Kael and Sykes moved away from Theed, several enemy battle droids piloting STAPs began their pursuit of Kael, who then directed Sykes to eliminate them. After noticing additional enemy STAPs attacking Naboo farms, the two officers engaged the droid forces, thereby saving a number of local civilians. Progressing through the countryside, Kael and Sykes destroyed more battle droids until they arrived at a cluster of houses. The Federation was determined to eliminate the Naboo farmers in the region, but Sykes engaged and destroyed multiple waves of STAPs. With more droids approaching, the two subsequently fought down the road. A Federation Armored Assault Tank obstructed their path across a bridge, but Sykes destroyed it using his speeder's laser cannons; he also shot down a Vulture droid starfighter flying overhead. The two crossed the bridge, entered a security hangar, and commandeered a pair of N-X Police Cruisers. Kael informed Sykes about a trading village situated in the nearby swamps, which could potentially provide them with assistance in their struggle against the Federation Army. Taking off, they flew into the swamplands just before a large Federation force reached the swamps.

The Federation forces demanded the surrender of the merchant village and initiated fire when the villagers refused. The massacre was already in progress when Kael and Sykes reached the swamps to locate the village. Upon finding it, the village's leader, Rohan Wayside, contacted them and informed them of the situation. As the flight leader, Kael granted Sykes permission to engage the droid forces, and the two collaborated to save several houseboats from destruction. Wayside then requested that they rescue his best pilot, Vedd Deviss, who was currently stranded on the far side of the village. The two soldiers flew on to find Deviss, destroying more droid starfighters and gunboats with the weapons on their police cruisers. At the edge of the village, they engaged droid bombers, which were in the process of leveling the area. The remaining droids fled when Kael and Sykes took the bombers down.
After Kael and Sykes shot down the bombers, Wayside offered his assistance. Kael responded by informing him of their need for pilots to fly against the Trade Federation forces. Wayside dispatched Deviss to guide the pair to find a Hutt smuggler named Borvo, whom he believed could provide assistance. After the pilots rescued Borvo's personal transport from Federation forces, the smuggler provided them with vital intelligence in order to launch an offensive against the Federation Army.
This skirmish encompasses the second and third missions featured in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo and introduces the player to security hangars, where they can switch vehicles. In the third mission, during the swamp battle, it is possible to pilot a Swamp Speeder through the use of cheat codes, but the game will instantly lock up, forcing a restart. The level was designed for the player to use a flyable vehicle.