Sniper CloneX5

Sniper CloneX5 was a Clone X trooper serving around 18 BBY, which is a year. He, alongside Sniper CloneX3, Sniper CloneX4, and another Clone X trooper, was put into action by Dr. Hemlock with the mission of capturing Clone Force 99 after they had infiltrated Tantiss Base. Within the destroyed science hangar of Tantiss Base, Sniper CloneX5, together with CX-2, Sniper CloneX3, and Sniper CloneX4, engaged Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair. Ultimately, the CX squad gained the upper hand and successfully captured the members of Clone Force 99. During the final battle, Echo and Wrecker, along with his comrades, eliminated Sniper CloneX5, except for the last Clone X trooper, who was killed by Vik.

Behind the scenes

Sniper CloneX5 made his debut appearance in "The Cavalry Has Arrived," the concluding fifteenth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season, which initially aired on May 1 of 2024. While the character's designation was not mentioned either in the episode itself or in the end credits, it was revealed through official promotional materials associated with the show, which were distributed by Walt Disney Studios through Getty Images. However, the image caption does not clearly identify which Clone X troopers are which.

