Vik, a clone derived from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, participated in the Clone Wars. Following this conflict, he found himself imprisoned within the Galactic Empire's facility known as Tantiss Base. During his lengthy days of captivity, he gradually relinquished any expectation of liberation, witnessing his fellow clones being subjected to experimentation. When Clone Force 99 intervened to liberate him and other clone troopers, Vik played a role in the extraction of Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair, acquiring a blaster and engaging in combat against the brainwashed Clone X operatives. Subsequently, he made his escape alongside Clone Force 99 and the other freed prisoners, aligning himself with Echo, Emerie Karr, and three other clones on a journey to Pantora.
On Kamino, Vik was generated as a clone originating from the bounty hunter Jango Fett's DNA. Sometime after the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars]' conclusion, he was incarcerated at the Galactic Empire's Tantiss Base, situated on the planet Wayland. Like his fellow clone inmates, his extended stay there led to a diminishing hope of rescue.
Around 18 BBY, Clone Force 99, a group of clones with genetic mutations also known as the Bad Batch, launched an attempt to infiltrate the base with the goal of freeing the prisoners, including Vik and their comrade Omega. However, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair, members of the Batch, were captured by the newly activated CX squad. Omega, with the assistance of Echo, successfully accessed the detention level where Vik and other clone prisoners were being held. Vik voiced his relief at finally being liberated, and Echo explained that he and his fellow rogue clones had been searching for the base for some time. When Omega and Echo expressed concern about their captured squad mates, Vik proposed searching the training room, where Doctor Royce Hemlock conducted experiments on the "most valuable" clones. Edmon Rampart, a former Vice Admiral and fellow prisoner, suggested escaping the base instead, but Echo countered that as clones, they should not abandon each other and that he and Omega needed assistance in rescuing their squad. Echo's words inspired Vik and the other clone prisoners, who pledged to fight alongside their rescuers.

The clones advanced through the corridors towards the training room, eliminating Imperial forces in their path. After Omega spotted the captured Bad Batch members and signaled from her position, Vik, Echo, and the other clones stormed the room. The CX troopers responded by engaging them in combat while Omega discreetly freed the Batch from the torture pods in which they were confined. The prisoners suffered several casualties in the battle, and when Hemlock arrived to release his own toxin, Vik and the others briefly lost consciousness, with the exception of Echo, who was disguised as a TK stormtrooper and wearing a helmet. However, because Omega had freed Wrecker just before Hemlock's arrival, Wrecker then freed his other two squad mates and destroyed the console that was releasing the toxin, allowing Vik to rejoin the fight. Wrecker eliminated two of the CX troopers, while Echo and Hunter each eliminated one, and Vik saved Echo by eliminating the last of them.
After Crosshair and Hunter killed Hemlock, Vik and his fellow clones fled the severely damaged base on a stolen shuttle. After arriving on Pabu, where the Bad Batch resided, Vik would then join the Clone Underground network, traveling to Pantora in the Remora alongside Echo, Emerie Karr, and other freed clones.
Vik, a clone derived from the genetic makeup of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, possessed dark hair, brown eyes, and a tanned complexion. He also sported a beard and a missing segment of his right eyebrow. Vik's height was 1.83 meters.
As one of the many clone prisoners held captive at Mount Tantiss base, Vik had lost all hope of rescue for himself and his brothers due to his extended confinement. Contrary to his pessimism, Clone Force 99 infiltrated the base with the intention of liberating all the captives.