Soola was an astronomical body that could be found within the Soola system. As part of the Jedi Order's efforts to infiltrate the Nihil pirates and uncover the identity of their leader, a skirmish was orchestrated by the Order close to Soola in 231 BBY. The purpose of this staged conflict was to allow the Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec to be "rescued" by the Nihil, thus providing them with the opportunity to operate covertly. After a Nihil starship successfully extracted the two Jedi's ship from the battle and brought them to the planet Xais in the Outer Rim, a Crolute Nihil informed Zeetar, the Talpini Tempest Runner, that Trennis and Terec had been fighting other Jedi in the vicinity of Soola.
The ninth issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic comic series from 2021 mentioned Soola; this comic was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. Cavan Scott wrote the issue, and Marvel Comics published it on September 1, 2021.