The High Republic (2021) 9

Issue number nine of the comic book series, titled The High Republic 9, is part of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic storyline. Cavan Scott penned the story, while the artwork came from Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, Victor Olazaba, Sean Parsons, Marc Deering, and Rachelle Rosenberg. Marvel Comics released it to the public on September 1, 2021.

Publisher's summary

A FRESH NARRATIVE BEGINS HERE – THE NIHIL'S SHADOW! Following the devastating occurrences of The Rising Storm, THE JEDI are relentlessly pursuing the fleeing NIHIL. In the vastness of space, WAYSEEKER JEDI KNIGHT ORLA JARENI finds herself under attack by a solitary Nihil Stormship, commanded by a former Jedi. Which member of STARLIGHT BEACON has defected to the Nihil Horde? And to what extent will they forsake the Light?

Plot summary

Orla on patrol

Orla Jareni, a Jedi Wayseeker, forges her unique route, independent of any temple or outpost, guided solely by the will of the Force. At present, the Force has directed her to align herself with the Jedi stationed at Starlight Beacon, under the leadership of Avar Kriss, who are spearheading a campaign against the Nihil pirates. Keeve Trennis internally corrects the term, emphasizing that it's not a crusade, but a response. Keeve questions whether she'll ever attain such unwavering faith in the Force — or in herself. Aboard her starship, the Lightseeker, Orla informs Estala Maru that her patrol of the Soola system is complete, with no signs of Nihil activity.

However, at that moment, the ship's Targes scanner activates, and Orla reports an imminent intrusion from hyperspace, anticipating the arrival of unwelcome guests. Keeve reflects on Orla's inspiring nature and the potential knowledge she could have gained from her, had time permitted. A Nihil Stormship materializes in realspace, prompting Orla to confirm Nihil presence and inform Maru that the lone ship possesses the firepower of an entire fleet. As Maru requests her position, enemy fire disrupts her communications. Inside the Stormship, a Nihil gunner declares the Jedi vessel defenseless, seeking orders from their commander: Storm Keeve Trennis. She instructs Terec to proceed with their mission and obliterate the Jedi from existence.

Debating strategies

Prior to these events, on Starlight Beacon, Marshal Avar Kriss presides over a meeting concerning the ongoing battle against the Nihil, announcing reports of another significant triumph. Stellan Gios, a member of the Jedi High Council, participates via hologram, reporting that the Unified Republic Task Force has engaged Nihil marauders on Aris, Port Haven, and Golrath since the attack on Valo, causing the pirates to scatter in fear. Sskeer dismisses their actions as typical of cowards. Keeve Trennis rebukes him, but he defends his blunt assessment, inquiring about the Nihil leadership.

Maru reveals that Lourna Dee, the Twi'lek believed to be the Eye of the Nihil, was presumed dead during the Battle of Galov, which is thought to be the reason for the Nihil's disorganized retreat. Avar inquires about the rumors of a new Eye taking her place, and Stellan acknowledges unsubstantiated reports of potential candidates, including a Talpini sighted on Ashas Rine by Togruta intelligence and a masked individual observed in fragmented transmissions intercepted by the Leresai Assembly.

Stellan asserts that there is no concrete evidence linking either individual to the new Eye. Avar questions what would happen if such evidence were to surface, prompting Stellan to ask if she has information to share. The Marshal discloses that Starlight's Chief of Security has intercepted intelligence indicating a Nihil gathering in the Soola system, and Ghal Tarpfen confirms that the name was mentioned in decoded communications. Stellan points out that the task force has thoroughly searched the area multiple times, to which Avar retorts if the search was as effective as their sweep of Valo prior to the Republic Fair, where hundreds died.

Avar emphasizes that the Nihil have deceived them before and cannot be allowed to do so again. As the two Jedi Masters engage in a debate, Kotabi bond-twins Terec and [Ceret](/article/ceret] observe, one of them noting the unfavorable turn of events. Stellan insists that they won't be deceived, but Avar expresses her desire to dispatch a team to Zallo to investigate Chief Tarpfen's lead. The Council Member denies the request, prompting Avar's protest, all while Keeve watches with a critical eye as Stellan declares "Not at this time."

Keeve interjects, respectfully disagreeing with Stellan and supporting Avar's assessment. She reminds everyone of the evidence from Valo and Mulita suggesting that the Nihil facilitated the spread of the Drengir along the Galactic Frontier, resulting in numerous deaths, to divert Starlight's attention from the crisis on Valo. Stellan argues that this is not certain, but Keeve insists that they must demonstrate to the pirates that Starlight is not to be trifled with and that they must act.

In response, Stellan assures them that they will all act, but as part of a unified strategy rather than impulsive actions driven by guilt. After he disconnects, instructing them to await further instructions, Keeve is taken aback by the "guilt" accusation. Avar acknowledges Keeve's support, but cautions that challenging High Council members will not advance their cause. Keeve disagrees, questioning whether Stellan and the Jedi are mistaken and need to take more decisive action. Sskeer attempts to reason with her, but Keeve storms out, apologizing but expressing her belief that there must be a better approach after all they've endured.

Staging a dogfigt

In the present, within the Soola system, the Lightseeker engages in combat with the Stormship. Keeve inquires whether Terec believes Orla managed to transmit a distress signal, but they cannot confirm. However, the Jedi cruiser Ataraxia arrives, demanding the Stormship's surrender. Keeve decides it's time to send their own distress call, contacting Nihil command to report that the Ransacker is under attack by Jedi and requires immediate assistance. Terec doubts there will be enough time, as the Ataraxia has launched multiple Jedi Vectors: Gold Drift, led by Sskeer, who instructs his pilots to target their engines, invoking the Force as the starfighters commence their assault.

On the bridge of the Ataraxia, Avar expresses concern about the Trandoshan's ability to lead the Drift effectively, given his ongoing recovery, but he insists on making amends, claiming it's the only way he knows how. Nooranbakarakana reports multiple readings from the scanners, and Avar senses their presence in the Force, ordering all Vectors to prepare for incoming.

Informed that the Nihil have responded to her call, Keeve acknowledges the need to avoid destruction before they can escape, despite their damaged engines and nonexistent shielding. Keeve targets and shoots down a Vector as Sskeer observes, confirming the direct hit. The Ransacker is seized by magclamps, causing concern for Keeve and Terec, but it is not the Ataraxia but the Nihil, and the pirates jump into hyperspace. Nooranbakarakana reports the pirates' departure, and Avar requests reports from the Vectors. After Nib Assek, Burryaga Agaburry, and Regald Coll provide their status, Avar addresses Sskeer, who assures her of his continued loyalty and inquires about the pirates' fate. Avar postpones the discussion until he is safely back on board, but Sskeer asks about Keeve and Terec. The Marshal acknowledges that the two Jedi Knights are on their own, hoping for the Force's protection.

Keeve realizes that she and Terec are now fugitives. She never wanted to fire on a Vector, even if Ceret was remote controlling it from the Ataraxia. But they had to convince the Nihil of their allegiance, that their Stormship wasn't salvaged from the Nihil base on [Grizal](/article/grizal], that the distress call was genuine. Back on Starlight, Keeve apologizes to Sskeer for her outburst, acknowledging the importance of emotional control. Sskeer emphasizes that passion is inherent, but its management is crucial. He informs her that Avar wishes to discuss an idea she has. Thus, Keeve and Terec transition from Jedi to Nihil, body and soul.

Undercover Jedi

Upon landing, Keeve exits the Ransacker, expressing her impatience at the Nihil's tardiness. A Crolute greets her and Terec, inquiring about their Tempest affiliation. During her mission briefing, Maru explained the Nihil's structure, instructing her to claim affiliation with Pan Eyta's Tempest, as Eyta was presumed dead in the Cyclor skirmish and his Tempest had gone underground. Keeve provides this answer, and the Crolute praises Eyta's abilities — before attacking Keeve with an electrified whip and questioning her identity.

Keeve recalls Avar's warning about impending tests and the need to respond as a Nihil, as it is the only way to earn their trust. She seizes the whip, subdues the Crolute with a chokehold, and demands if that answers his question. Impressed by her martial prowess, the Tempest Runner Zeetar vouches for her cover story and orders Keeve to release the Crolute.

Zeetar assumes Keeve knows her identity, although not by name. The Crolute, however, reveals the Tempest Runner's name while reporting Keeve's location, stating that she was found fighting "Jays" near Soola. Keeve claims that she's been doing that for months, complaining about the Jedi's relentless pursuit and questioning the Eye's intentions. Zeetar acknowledges the validity of her question, but withholds an answer until he is certain of her allegiance. Keeve presses him for clarification, and he reveals his desire to ascertain her true Nihil identity.

The Hutt captive

Handing her a warhammer, he says she'll need it to prove herself. Ordering a prisoner to be brought in, Zeetar says that if Keeve is really who she says she is, she'll do as she's told. Keeve is shocked to discover that the prisoner is Myarga the Hutt, as Zeetar orders her to split the prisoner's skull in two to prove her identity, and hopes that Avar can't have meant this when she said Keeve would have to abandon everything it meant to be a Jedi…


    content="Star Wars: The High Republic Vol. 2 – The Heart of Drengir"

    content="Star Wars: The High Republic Phase I – Light of the Jedi Omnibus"