The High Republic (2021) 10

The High Republic #10 represents the tenth installment in the comic book series titled Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan Scott penned the script, while the artistic team of Georges Jeanty, Karl Story, Victor Olazaba, and Carlos Lopez provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on October 20, 2021.

Official Synopsis

IMBALANCE AND DISTURBANCE OF TIME PREVAIL!!! KEEVE TRENNIS, along with her bond-twin TEREC, have switched their allegiance to the evil NIHIL. As AVAR KRISS, together with her former mentor, approaches, Keeve confronts a difficult decision. Will she end an innocent life to solidify her position within the TEMPEST? The lives of THE JEDI OF STARLIGHT BEACON reach a critical juncture. The Nihil's threat has amplified to an unprecedented degree!

Detailed Summary

Deep Within Enemy Territory

Myarga, the Hutt, is being held as a prisoner by the Nihil at the warcloud forge located on Xais. Disguised as a Storm, Keeve Trennis, a Jedi Knight engaged in an attempt to infiltrate the pirate organization, reflects on the instructions given by Avar Kriss: to emulate the Nihil's behavior and gain their confidence. However, Avar neglected to mention that this would necessitate killing a former comrade in cold blood. Despite being a cynical, unreliable, and self-centered individual, they were still a former ally. Noticing a barrel marked with nagnol, Keeve devises a plan and discreetly employs telekinesis to topple it over. This action startles the Lepi Nihil who was in the process of moving it, causing the unstable gas to explode and knock everyone off their feet.

The Lepi, engulfed in fire, cries out for assistance. However, Zeetar, an enraged Tempest Runner, instead shoots the "stupid mange-farmer" dead, exclaiming that the entire facility could have been destroyed. Keeve posits that the Lepi might have inadvertently done them a favor and inquires about the circumstances and location of the Hutt's capture. After confirming that the capture took place on the fringes of Wild Space following the attack on Valo, Keeve asserts that she overheard a Battrach gunrunner at Port Lennax mention that the "Jays" who fought the Drengir seemingly collaborated with a Hutt. Suggesting that the captured Hutt might be the one in question, Keeve proposes that she might possess valuable Jedi secrets that they could exploit. If she doesn't have any information, no harm is done; they can simply eliminate her later. As Keeve speaks, Myarga regains consciousness and focuses her attention on her.

Jedi Facing Danger

Avar Kriss, aboard the Ataraxia in hyperspace, inquires of Ceret whether they can still feel their [bond-twin](/article/bond-twins]. Ceret replies that they would be concerned if they couldn't, clarifying that the twins are essentially a single being sharing the same mind and experiencing each other's thoughts even when separated by such a distance. Avar then asks the Kotabi what their thoughts are conveying at this moment, to which Ceret responds that Terec is safe but also apprehensive. Nooranbakarakana points out that undercover operations are always stressful, but Ceret adds that Terec believes Keeve is engaged in a perilous game. Unbeknownst to the others, Jedi Master Sskeer attempts to levitate his lightsaber, but the Trandoshan loses focus and drops the weapon when Ceret mentions that Keeve's game is somehow connected to Myarga. Avar, concerned, wonders if Myarga is in the clutches of the Nihil, and Ceret replies that while they are struggling to interpret the situation, Keeve, Terec, and Myarga all appear to be in imminent danger.

The Marshal declares that the Force will safeguard them through the Jedi on the cruiser and instructs Nooran to follow Ceret's coordinates. Sskeer's holoprojector emits a beep, and he answers it to discover that he is being contacted by Doctor Gino'le from Starlight Beacon. The Anacondan expresses his relief at making contact, and Sskeer asks if there is a problem on the space station. Gino'le replies that he simply needed to speak with Sskeer. The Jedi Master responds that this is not an opportune moment, but the doctor insists that it cannot wait, given Sskeer's presence in the field, and suggests that he might prefer to take the call in private. Sskeer retorts that he keeps no secrets from his fellow Jedi, as Avar turns to face him. Gino'le proceeds, stating that the news is not positive: having received the results of his tests, the doctor now understands why Sskeer is losing his connection to the Force.

Interrogation of Myarga

While the group traverses the Nihil gas foundry on Xais, Keeve reassures a concerned Terec that everything is under control and that she is buying them time by buying Myarga time, asking the twin if their other half is en route. Upon Terec's confirmation, Keeve asks if they can create the illusion that they are nearly there. Overhearing the hushed conversation, Zeetar inquires if the two have something to share, and Keeve responds that she was merely remarking on the impressive nature of the facility, having never witnessed such a forge before, and speculates that the Eye must be planning something significant. Zeetar informs the "Storm" that it is none of her concern unless she aspires to become a Tempest Runner. Keeve asks if there are any vacancies, and Zeetar snaps that they are not at a job fair. As the group enters another room, Keeve and Terec are taken aback as Zeetar declares that he would like to see what they are capable of, revealing Myarga in a large tank.

Keeve questions whether it is a bacta tank, and Zeetar responds "Not exactly" as he activates a series of controls. Green gas begins to fill the tank, and Zeetar informs Keeve and Terec that Myarga is all theirs. Keeve asks about the substance, and Zeetar replies that it is unrefined nagnol, warning them to be quick before the Hutt's lungs are damaged. Mentally cursing, Keeve addresses Myarga, telling the "slime pod" that she had better start talking if she wishes to survive. Responding in Huttese, a disoriented Myarga wonders if Keeve is aware of whom she is addressing, threatening that she will ensure her interrogator burns in the Pits of Ku'rella before divulging any information. Keeve, recognizing Myarga's intelligence, hopes that she realizes she wants to assist her. A Crolute Nihil reports to Zeetar that the tank's gas valve is jammed, which Keeve realizes is Terec's doing. Keeve thinks to herself that all they need to do is stall until their backup arrives.

Remarking that there is more than one approach to skinning a mekle, Zeetar declares that Keeve had her opportunity and squandered it. Activating the tank's controls, Zeetar announces that they will proceed his way: with electricity. As Myarga is subjected to electric shocks, Zeetar demands to know if the Storm is being truthful and what she knows about the Jedi. Myarga asks if Zeetar is blind and unable to see what is directly in front of him, as Keeve is overcome with dread, hoping that Myarga will not reveal their secret.

Cover Compromised

To Keeve's dismay, Myarga reveals that she and Terec are Jedi infiltrators. Zeetar acknowledges that they have finally uncovered the truth, prompting the exposed Jedi to ignite their lightsabers. Keeve demands that the Nihil surrender, but Zeetar points out their numerical disadvantage and opens fire upon them. He questions if this is the best the Jedi could muster. Keeve retorts that they will do what they can before hurling an object at Zeetar. Zeetar's power armor deflects the projectile. After taunting Keeve, Zeetar retaliates by electrocuting Myarga once more.

Terec's focus is compromised due to Myarga's suffering. Keeve struggles to maintain her composure but is blindsided by the Crolute Nihil. Zeetar seizes Keeve with his power armor, taunting her that the pain of others is the Jedi's weakness. The battle is interrupted by the arrival of Lourna Dee, whom the Jedi had mistakenly believed to be deceased. Through their Force bond with Terec, Ceret realizes that Dee is alive and well. Kriss reacts with shock and horror.

A Novel Weapon

Terec expresses shock that Dee was presumed dead. Removing her mask, Dee responds by striking Terec in the head and firing upon the captive Myarga. She confronts Keeve and declares that they can now hear themselves think. Keeve replies that this was an error, prompting Dee to dare her to use her powers against her. Dee remarks that Keeve is endearing before summoning Doctor Kisma Uttersond, who unleashes a weapon stored inside a box that has a debilitating effect on both Keeve and Terec.

While Keeve and Terec writhe in agony, Ceret senses that they have lost them aboard the Ataraxia. Believing their twin to be dead, Ceret laments that Terec is gone and believes themselves to be alone. Kriss comforts Ceret, offering assistance in reestablishing their connection. Ceret gasps in pain and despair. Kriss offers to help them and pleads with Ceret to allow her to listen to their song. Ceret responds that she cannot because it is all a fabrication. Ceret chants that there is no balance and peace, only pain. Ceret's eyes turn purple, and their body begins to petrify.

Multimedia Content

Cover Images

    content="Star Wars: The High Republic Vol. 2 – The Heart of Drengir"

    content="Star Wars: The High Republic Phase I – Light of the Jedi Omnibus"