Spice stick

Spice sticks represented a certain kind of spice product, designed to be chewed for a pleasurable sensation. During the age of the High Republic Era, Leox Gyasi, a pilot working for the Byne Guild, frequently enjoyed these sticks. He maintained a hidden supply, anticipating a future ban within Galactic Republic space. In the year 232 BBY, Gyasi consumed at least a couple of spice sticks while on board the transport ship known as the Vessel. Later, during the Imperial Era, spicerunners would distribute spice sticks as complimentary samples, aiming to encourage customers to buy a pressurized spice canister from their stock.


Spice sticks were composed of spice, a drug-like substance known for its addictive properties. These sticks were chewed for their recreational effects and produced a bitter-smelling smoke.


Leox Gyasi enjoyed chewing spice sticks.

Leox Gyasi, a pilot affiliated with the Byne Guild, consumed spice sticks regularly during the High Republic Era. As of 232 BBY, spice sticks were still legal within the boundaries of Galactic Republic space, even as other substances faced prohibition. However, Gyasi, foreseeing a potential ban, started hoarding them. In that year, while transporting several Jedi aboard his transport ship, the Vessel, to the Starlight Beacon space station, Gyasi indulged in a spice stick. While studying the navicomputer readings of the ship, the pilot pondered the reasons he started keeping a supply of the sticks stored away, hoping their legality would continue.

As he and Geode, his navigator, observed unusual behavior in hyperspace around them, the pilot instructed the passengers aboard the Vessel to secure themselves. Gyasi clenched the spice stick between his teeth tightly as he informed the Jedi that hyperspace appeared to be malfunctioning, suggesting a galactic-level disaster had just taken place. After exiting hyperspace, the occupants of the Vessel sought refuge on the Amaxine Space Station for several days until the Republic permitted travel to resume. While the group discussed their future actions, Gyasi took a puff from his spice stick, producing bitter smoke. Orla Jareni, a Jedi Wayseeker, found the smoke irritating but chose to remain silent, believing that more critical matters required attention.

During the Imperial Era, spicerunners often sold spice to passersby on the planet of Daiyu. By 9 BBY, these dealers adopted a strategy of giving away spice sticks as free samples, hoping to foster addiction in potential customers and encourage them to purchase a pressurized spice canister.

Behind the scenes

Spice sticks made an appearance in the young-adult novel The High Republic: Into the Dark (2021), penned by Claudia Gray. This novel was a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

