Star Wars: Force Collection was a digital collectible card game. Konami Digital Entertainment developed it for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, as well as Android devices. The game launched on September 4, 2013 but was officially taken offline on April 23, 2018. The announcement of its termination occurred on February 21, 2018.
Engage in collecting, constructing decks, and battling! Star Wars: Force Collection offers a fresh take on the Force through a card battle format on iOS and Android.
Accumulate over 230 character cards and uncover unique vehicle blueprints to assemble the ultimate Battle Formation. After creating your deck, strategically challenge and triumph over opponents in battles, advancing within the ranks of the Jedi or Sith Orders. Embark on quests, participate in large-scale in-game events, and confront bosses and other players as you shape your own destiny. Your decisions are crucial; you alone dictate your journey towards the light or dark side.
Utilize your card deck, showcasing characters and vehicles from Episodes I-VI, to formulate strategies and collections.
Acquire over 730 Star Wars characters via card packs, which can be used to assist you in combat.
Visit iconic planets from the expansive Star Wars galaxy. Your choices determine whether you align with the light or dark side of the Force.
Assemble blueprints to create vehicles, providing an advantage in battle.
Engage in battles against bosses and other players in quests and special in-game events by arranging your cards and vehicles into strategic battle formations.
Defeat opponents and seize their Blueprint Pieces, enhancing your Battle Ranking.
On June 5, 2014, a "vehicle customization" feature was introduced. With this, vehicles created from blueprints can have pilot and co-pilot positions, as well as slots for vehicle parts. Pilot and co-pilot positions can be filled with character cards that have an affinity for the vehicle, thus improving its attack and defense capabilities and assigning it to the light or dark side. Vehicle parts can be acquired by trading in blueprints at their maximum level and can offer additional enhancements. Maximum-level blueprints are complete sets of pieces after a vehicle has reached level 5.
Questing is the main way to get cards in the game. Players travel to different planets and use their touchscreens to beat enemies and level up. They also get cards while questing. A certain person represents the player in the quest part; their weapon, usually a lightsaber or blaster, depends on the player's current "leader card".
Map quests were added on June 25, 2014. They are very similar to the special event "Tatooine Bounty Hunt", in that players must move through an "event map" quest grid. You can find allies and enemies on the grid, as well as item containers. However, you need to progress in the main quest to access a map quest planet. Entering a map quest requires a certain amount of EP, and allies can help either in formation battles or by showing where enemies and containers are on the map. If you are defeated by a target enemy, like in "Tatooine Bounty Hunt", you will fail the map quest and lose all item containers.
Cards are placed in a formation and can be "enhanced" to increase their attack and defense, as long as the card has not reached a certain maximum level. They can also be "evolved", where two cards of the same type and rarity are combined into a card with higher initial attack and defense. The third evolution level is the highest for an evolved card.
The game has a multiplayer aspect where players can send their card formations to battle against each other for weekly leaderboard rankings. They can also try to get blueprint pieces, which let them access vehicles.
During formation battles, the player's light or dark side affects which cards get attack and defense boosts, based on the cards' own alignment. If there is a leader card in the formation, it boosts the attack and defense of all cards in the formation. However, if the leader card is defeated, these boosts are lost for the rest of the battle. Some cards have skills that either make one's own cards stronger or weaken the opponent's cards.
Legions were added on April 17, 2014, allowing players to form groups. If members are online, it may increase the chances of special event progression, like in the Tatooine Bounty Hunt.
In the week before a Legions at War event, and during the event, players work together and use in-game credits to improve a starship's health, laser cannons, turbolasers, shield, and starfighter power. During Legions at War events, which have three battles scheduled per day, legions battle each other. Online players use EP to charge power cells for their starship's weapons, starfighter power, or shield, or to repair the ship. They can also use BP to board the opponent legion's starship and fight one of its members in a formation battle. The first event like this was from April 24-30, 2014.
At first, laser cannons were used to directly attack an enemy legion's ship. Since the third Legions at War event, starfighters are used for direct attack and can be countered with laser cannons. On August 5, 2014, it was announced that Legions at War events would happen every two weeks.
Star Wars: Force Collection regularly holds special events based on the films. Players can choose whether to participate, but some cards and vehicle blueprints are only available in these events. Certain cards may act as "Event-Power Cards" during events, giving boosts toward the event's goal.
The Battle of the Death Star campaign was available until September 25, 2013. It gave players the chance to go on a quest in a Death Star. During the quest, players used their card formation to attack "bosses", which were groups of stormtroopers.
The Light Side won the event, and the ending cutscene showed that the Rebels captured the Death Star's control room. Since it was a test unit, Darth Vader ordered it to self-destruct.
On October 10, 2013, the next Event was announced: The Geonosis Battle Arena. It was held from October 17 to October 28 and featured the Battle of Geonosis. The bosses for the game included B1-Series battle droids, Jango Fett, and Mace Windu. In the Event update on October 23, Yoda was added to the random encounters. After the Event ended the players were given a message saying that the battle was over but the war had begun, and to keep gaining strength before the next encounter.
An event running from November 21 until December 2 is The Geonosian Battlefield, which includes player vs. player interactions. It continues on from the Arena Event and its bosses are B1 battle droids (including the one with C-3PO's head and vice versa), droidekas, Windu, and clone troopers (led by Commander Ponds). The Event ended with the closing scenes of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, and indicated that the Clone War has begun.
On December 9, 2013, the next Event was announced: Operation Hoth Defensive. It was held from December 16-23, 2013, and put the players in the role of the Rebel Alliance as they fight the Galactic Empire on Hoth. The bosses include stormtroopers and AT-ATs, and the enemies faced are snow troopers, wampas, and probe droids.
For raid boss battles, the ten cards with the highest attack-power that the player has are automatically chosen. Otherwise, event-power cards are used. The player uses these cards to deal damage to the raid boss, and the player and raid boss attack each other alternately over three turns. If the boss is not defeated, the player can ask for help from a randomly chosen group of players, and can use battle points (BP) to keep attacking. Unlike raid boss battles for other events, the first attack by a player does not cost any BP. NPC formation battles also happen during the event where the player can use their current formation; the player can choose not to battle.
Operation Hoth Defensive II was held from December 4-11, 2014. Raid boss battles allow the use of a single vehicle with the strongest ATK (Attack) value that the player has. NPC formation battles included enemies such as snow troopers, wampas, and General Veers with his Blizzard 1 AT-AT.
Each of the two events ended with scenes showing the Rebels escaping from Hoth, including the Millenniun Falcon's escape as Darth Vader watches.
This Event focuses on the Invasion of Naboo. It was announced on January 7, 2014 and ran from January 14 to the 21st. It features the usual questing and Boss encounters, as well as PvP duels. NPC battles were fought against B1-Series battle droids, which may also be accompanied by OOM-9, Nute Gunray and his co-leaders, or Darth Maul if the player was on the Light Side; otherwise the battles were against Gungans if the player was on the Dark Side. Players also encountered creatures such as the sando aqua monster. This event ended with the closing scenes of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
This event focused on the Battle of Endor's ground assault, and ran from January 23 to February 6, 2014 at midnight EST. Similar to "Operation Hoth Defensive", players are placed in the Rebel Alliance and must fight various troopers defending the shield generator bunker. Raid bosses include Imperial troops (group), and AT-STs, and later troop formations led by Darth Vader, and the enemies fought are stormtroopers and scout troopers.
Another version of the event named "The Battle of Endor", featuring light side and dark side NPC formations, sector battles, and elite reinforcement squads in PvP battles, was held in January 2015.
This event was held from March 5-12, 2014, with a second event from June 5-11, 2014, and a third from September 26-October 2, 2014. The fourth event, from December 18-25, 2014, was renamed to "Galaxy's Most Feared" to feature a player-vs-player leaderboard competition for the highest event score. A fifth Bounty Hunt event was held from February 10-18, 2015.
While questing, players are contacted with "Bounty Requests" where the player could be sent on missions to bring in bounties for Jabba. The bounty missions had the player searching Tatooine from a top down strategy RPG-style quest grid where the player will search for the bounty targets, represented as other players, and fight them in formation battles. A request was only completed if all bounty targets in a single request were defeated with a time limit of 30 minutes. Players could choose to use BP (battle points) for increased attack power against a powerful opponent.
For the first two events, requests contained five bounty targets. Starting with the third event, requests contained one to three targets, and up to ten requests could be saved for later during the event.
Starting with the second Bounty Hunt event, requests were more likely to be received by the player if more of their legion members were online at a given time.
During the search, the player may find Item Containers. Bronze, and sometimes silver, containers were randomly placed in the desert, and containers ranging from bronze to gold were dropped by defeated bounty targets. Players also encountered opponents other than the bounty targets, as well as allies that revealed the general vicinity of the current bounty target on a minimap, or be called into battles until the current bounty target was defeated. Starting with the second Hunt, if an ally is called to reveal a target's location, the target card will be marked with a bright red clone trooper helmet. Since the fourth event, finding an ally replenished some of the player's EP (energy points) to resume the current quest.
If the player was defeated by an opponent other than a bounty target, they were sent back to the current round's starting point. If, however, they are defeated by a bounty target, the bounty mission ended and all containers were confiscated by Jabba.
This event is held from March 19-26, 2014. Similar to previous events such as The Invasion of Naboo, the player's alignment on the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force determined whether the player fought alongside the Jedi and Galactic Republic, or the Separatists. Because of this, quest encounters and battles against NPC formations, ranging from "scouting parties" to "strike teams", "reinforcements" and "main forces", were against either battle droids or clone troopers, though the event also featured PVP encounters. Light side players also encountered General Grievous and Dooku during the event quest, despite either of them not being canonically involved in the Battle of Felucia, and had the choice to avoid him or challenge his formation to a battle.
Players could choose to use more BP before a formation battle to summon a backup army of stack trooper cards.
This event began on April 3, 2014 and ended on April 11 at 3:00 am Eastern Time; it was extended by one day due to technical difficulties. Similar to Tatooine Bounty Hunt, players were contacted by Darth Vader with "search orders" while questing. Represented with a TIE fighter, they are sent to search for Rebel cargo ships represented by GR-75 medium transports, and collect resources to help in the second Death Star's construction. Rewards became available to all players as construction reached each 10% completion level.
Players navigated "Event Map" quest grids set within an asteroid field to search for randomly placed bronze Item Containers and encounter allies in TIE fighters and other opponents. Allies, once again, may reveal the target's general vicinity or called in to assist the player during the current grid. Enemy target cargo ships assigned by Vader may drop Item Containers ranging from bronze to gold. Opponents represented by cargo ships, not necessarily that of the target, are visible on the grid. However, unlike Tatooine Bounty Hunt, there are hidden opponents on certain grid squares, appearing as random encounters with an X-wing fly-by animation.
If a player lost against an opponent other than their target, they were sent back to the current grid's starting point. However, if a player lost against a target cargo ship opponent, all resources and Item Containers collected during the mission are lost and the current mission ended.
An EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate could be seen in the background of some event map grids.
At the end of the event, in original dialogue (possibly non-canon), General Veers reported to Vader that 91% of the resources were retrieved during the event. It ended with the opening scene of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi depicting Vader's arrival on the second Death Star and meeting with Moff Jerjerrod.
This event ran from June 19-24, 2014, and featured an original story set after Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Similar to "Operation Hoth Defensive" and "Endor Ambush", players were placed in the role of the Jedi and Galactic Republic as they fight various creatures that have multiplied and have infested areas of Naboo. Event quests had players defeating shaaks, while the raid bosses were the opee sea killer, the colo claw fish, and the sando aqua monster. Players also faced formation battles with battle droid armies.
The event ended with Quarsh Panaka reporting to Queen Amidala that sixty percent of the creatures had been eradicated, and Nute Gunray confirming that he had conducted experiments involving biological weapons on Naboo to Darth Sidious, resulting in the outbreak.
This event, set during the namesake event, was held on July 15-22, 2014. Like previous events, players are placed in the role of either the Jedi and Galactic Republic, or the Separatists, depending on the player's Force alignment. During the event quest, players strike down enemy clone troopers or droids, also depending on the player's alignment. Formation battles occur against other players (player vs. player) or NPCs. Players could, once again, choose to use BP before a formation battle to summon a backup army of stack trooper cards. The event was structured similarly to the "Battle of Felucia" event, with players given the opportunity to face non-canon encounters with Grievous and Dooku.
This event ran from August 21-28, 2014. The Separatists have unleashed clones of the Zillo Beast on Coruscant, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has ordered a state of emergency. Players are assigned to join the Galactic Republic to defeat the Zillo Beast clones. This event runs similarly to the previous "Operation Hoth Defensive", "Endor Ambush", and "Naboo Monster Hunting" events. NPC formation battles are fought against battle droids, but raid boss battles are organized differently than they were before; the player's offense-formation is used, and a short time limit is provided to deal damage to the raid boss.
Special events were held for the first-year anniversary of the release of Star Wars: Force Collection.
From Sept. 4-10, 2014, players could draw from a special card pack, the "Anniversary Celebration Card Pack" that included exclusive cards from previous events. Three draws could be made per day, but only the last card drawn would be rewarded to the player on Sept. 10.
An event, "Galactic Uprising", held on Sept. 10-18, 2014 puts players against the Galactic Empire; cards drawn from the ally-point card pack among all players are automatically used to attack the Emperor in this event. This event was similar to the raid boss battles of "Operation Hoth Defensive" and "Endor Ambush"; players successfully defeated the Emperor by depleting all four of his HP bars before the event ended. "Galactic Uprising" was reused during the May the 4th 2015 events as "Executive Action" from April 30-May 7, 2015, where players damaged the Executor with ally-point card draws.
From Sept. 2-9, 2015, the app celebrated its second-year anniversary. The "Galactic Uprising" event returned during the week as "Destroy the Death Star!", where players damaged the Executor and the second Death Star with card draws.
This event, held from October 9-16, 2014, was structured similarly to the previous Invasion of Naboo and Battle of Felucia events. Legion members also participated in sector battles to defend sectors against other legions.
This format was largely reused for the Battle of Utapau event, held from November 20-27, 2014.
This event, held from November 6-13, 2014, had players defending against AI-controlled users. A player selects two allies or legion members to defend a central base in a randomly-selected setting, and can control their positions on a map grid to attack opponents and deplete their Life Points (LP). Item containers were rewarded when AI-controlled opponents are defeated, and were received when all enemies were defeated. Relief supply containers sometimes dropped on the map, allowing a player or an enemy to temporarily inflict twice as much damage to their opponent's LP.
The event returned from February 4-11, 2015, with additional features such as Event Power Card bonuses, a new "Extreme" difficulty, the ability for players to set mines or use a stationary cannon to inflict LP damage, Boss Units with twice as much LP as a regular enemy, and opportunities to accept reinforcement offers that complete the mission early. Starting with this event, missions were given only during quests.
"Login campaigns" are held sometimes. They let players get items like credits, card tickets, or special cards if they open the game each day. Also, trivia quiz campaigns might be held. A multiple-choice question is given each day, and answering it correctly improves the reward for that day.
For Halloween 2013, there was a short minigame at login where players could go "trick-or-treating" at houses for a limited time. Shmi Skywalker, Watto, and Padmé Amidala gave different prizes, including a special C-3PO card, depending on what was randomly chosen.
Revenge of the Bosses events are held sometimes throughout the year, the first being from November 5-11, 2013. The player can randomly run into any of the planet bosses on the quests. The chance of a boss encounter increased the more a player's legion members were online at a given time since the third event in May 2014. The Revenge of the Bosses events focused on formation battles against these bosses, along with related characters. Some characters could only be fought on each of the first six days, with the seventh day giving random chances to face all the characters featured during the event.
A Map Quest-related event, "Expanded Borders: Death Star", ran from Sept. 4-10, 2014. The map targets were Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader. A second "Expanded Borders: Death Star" event ran from October 16-23, 2014, featuring Lando Calrissian and Shadow Stormtroopers. A third event in November 2014 featured Jan Dodonna and Grand Moff Tarkin.
A mini-game based on Konami's Contra series, with Chewbacca as the character you play and set during the Battle of Endor, was part of the May the 4th celebrations from April 23-May 27, 2015. This mini-game was brought back in May 2017 with the name Operation: Going Solo.