Star Wars #22 marks the twenty-second installment in the comic book series Star Wars published by Marvel. Jason Aaron penned the story, and it was released to the public on August 24, 2016. Notably, the initial print run contained a spelling error in the opening crawl, rendering "Sergeant" as "Sargent."
- Behold the Star Destroyer Harbinger, a formidable instrument of Imperial might. [2]
- This very vessel is the objective of a highly classified rebel scheme. [2]
- Accompany Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa in " The Last Flight of the Harbinger"! [2]
While Han prepared to execute another pass on the Harbinger, which was in orbit above the planet, he requested that Red Squadron deal with the pursuing TIE fighters. Luke intervened, saving Han's life, and informed him that the area was clear, cautioning him about the turbolasers. Han acknowledged the warning and then instructed Chewbacca to load the proton bombs. Chewbacca responded in Shyriiwook that he had "lost count," to which Han replied that they should make each one count. Leia and Han exchanged words amidst the ongoing battle.
As the Falcon flew past the conning tower, the commanding officer recognized the ship and its intent to make another bombing run. A lieutenant dismissed them as "fools," but the commander countered that they were not targeting the shield generators. The lieutenant then questioned, "What kind of idiots ambush an Imperial Star Destroyer?" The admiral responded, "Rebel idiots," and ordered all available firepower to be directed at the Falcon.
The turbolasers commenced firing upon the Falcon, which was being protected by the fighters. A direct hit was scored on Sector 19-A, near the main engine reactor, which was precisely what the admiral had feared. Despite two proton torpedoes penetrating the interior, there was no indication of the reactor overloading. Luke then decided to proceed, deactivating the targeting computer as he had done during the battle of Yavin. Employing the Force, he guided his ship through the breach toward the reactor. Upon reaching the reactor, Luke fired, scoring a direct hit that triggered an overload. Before he could instruct everyone to take over, he lost consciousness.
Following the explosion in Sector 19-A, Han attempted to contact Luke. The Admiral was alerted to the explosion, and the commander informed him that the main reactor was in overload. The Admiral ordered a switch to auxiliary power and instructed someone in that sector to shut down the reactor. However, the commander reported that the sector had been breached and that they were unable to contact any personnel in the area. The lieutenant then informed the admiral that the reactor was only seven minutes away from complete overload, which would result in the destruction of the entire Destroyer, as the admiral feared. Consequently, the Admiral ordered the entire crew to abandon ship, and all available shuttles began to depart.
Subsequently, they landed in the Harbinger's hangar, where Han, Leia, Sana, and Chewbacca eliminated the stormtroopers. Sana guarded the Falcon while Han, Leia, and Chewbacca proceeded to the reactor room. The Imperial chief engineer had sealed the breach in an attempt to buy a few more minutes to shut down the reactor, but Luke incapacitated him. Luke secured the reactor as Han, Leia, and Chewbacca made their way, passing by the commanding Imperial officers, including the admiral. Han quipped, "Nice ship ya got here," before they continued to the reactor room.
While Red Squadron continued to destroy the departing shuttles, Han informed them that they were at the reactor. Wedge urged Luke to leave, but he refused. However, smoke and fire emanating from the engines indicated that the reactor was about to overload and explode. The admiral instructed the commander to inform Imperial Command that the Harbinger had been lost, but the commander revealed that they had already been contacted and that Lord Vader wished to speak with him personally. The admiral requested to borrow his blaster pistol to contemplate suicide. After the explosion, they had to search for the team and determine the whereabouts of the Harbinger.
One week later, a scout patrol consisting of two TIE fighters was investigating an asteroid field. They had scanned the area 500 times since leaving their base when they detected a large object. They encountered the Star Destroyer Harbinger and initially believed it was a reinforcement. However, one of the TIE fighters was shot down. Unbeknownst to Kappa Nine, the Harbinger had been hijacked and its crew killed.
Leia realized that the Empire was aware of their presence on the Star Destroyer. She reasoned that if the Empire knew, they would have sent more than two ships. Therefore, they would not know what was going to happen until they rammed the Star Destroyer right down their throats. Luke's plan involved stealing the Star Destroyer without the Empire realizing it by jettisoning the main reactor into space. Leia pointed out that they lacked a captain and had not heard from Admiral Verette's shuttle. The ship required a crew of thousands, but they only had 200 Rebels, none of whom had ever been on a Star Destroyer.
Luke interrupted Han and Leia's argument, stating that they had a "half-dead stolen Star Destroyer," a skeleton crew to operate it, and a considerable distance to travel to reach their destination. He declared that it was the last voyage of the Harbinger and that they should make it memorable. Han responded that it was already memorable, but for all the wrong reasons. He instructed Chewbacca to make the Harbinger go faster, but Chewbacca replied that he was already trying.