Suppressant shots, also known as suppressants, were a form of medical technology employed by individuals who experience periods, specifically cycles that result in bleeding, as a method of control. During the Republic Era, numerous individuals on the Mid Rim planet of Naboo who had periods utilized suppressant shots. This technology saw widespread adoption among Naboo human females who were employed by the Royal House of Naboo.
In 32 BBY, Officer Mariek Panaka, along with several other monarchy guards of Naboo, used suppressant shots to lessen the impact of their periods on their daily routines. In that same year, Rabé, a handmaiden, was surprised to discover that her queen, Padmé Amidala, had chosen to manage her period with painkillers instead of using suppressant shots. Shortly thereafter, Mariek reprimanded her husband, Captain Quarsh Panaka, for installing a blood-sensitive sensor and its associated alarm in Padmé Amidala's palace apartments. Although Quarsh's original intention for the alarm was security, he failed to consider that the teenage girls residing there were not using suppressants for their periods.
Queen's Peril, a 2020 novel penned by E. K. Johnston, featured suppressant shots. During the writing of the novel, Johnston mentioned that several members of the Lucasfilm Story Group considered the scene involving this technology to be exceptionally awkward and provided feedback on the draft after reviewing it. The author, however, was adamant about keeping the scene in the final version of the work.