Swain was a female human who served as a young Imperial officer. During the time of the rebellion on Lothal, a planet, she was being trained by Kallus to become an agent within the Galactic Empire's Security Bureau. However, her career aspirations changed when Grand Moff Tarkin came to the planet to investigate the local Imperials' failure to suppress a band of rebels. Realizing she didn't want to be part of an organization that unjustly punished innocent civilians, she made the decision to desert. Together with Cogon, another officer who shared her disgust with the Empire, she stole a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and quickly fled Lothal. They sought refuge on the planet Thrad, receiving clandestine support from Imperial Senator Nadea Tural and assistance from a male Thradian named Beneda. Swain and Cogon's plan was to travel from Thrad to Klonoid, another planet, where they intended to join a rebel cell.
However, Kallus, her former instructor, tracked the signal of the stolen shuttle and discovered the defectors' location in a spaceport on Thrad's eastern continent. Swain and Cogon attempted to escape, but Kallus pursued them through the streets. The defectors briefly managed to trap the Security agent, and Swain confronted her former mentor with words. However, her victory was short-lived, as two stormtroopers suddenly appeared in the alley and shot Cogon in the back. Although Kallus had lost control of his signature bo-rifle, the young woman was surprised when he pulled out a hidden weapon from under his fleximetal cuirass, and she was knocked out by a surprise stun blast. While she was still unconscious, Swain was taken back to the shuttle she had stolen, where Kallus' men began torturing her to extract information.
Unlike many other Imperial officers, Swain showed great concern for the people residing on Lothal and made an attempt to join the rebellion after Tarkin's cruel oppression of the innocent citizens. Her mentor, Agent Kallus, regarded her as a promising individual, and her training had made her a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, even surpassing Kallus, who had to resort to using his blaster to stun her in order to subdue her.
Swain had tanned skin, auburn hair, chestnut brown eyes, and two beauty marks located on her right cheek.