Tendo Gugbridge

Tendo Gugbridge was a prospector operating on the planet of Koboh. After acquiring what was considered the worst claim around Rambler's Reach Outpost, he unearthed a cavern brimming with priorite. Overloading his arms with the valuable material, Gugbridge's vision of the ground was obstructed, leading to his death when he triggered a detonite explosive charge pack.


On the planet Koboh, Tendo Gugbridge worked as a prospector. He purchased a claim near Rambler's Reach Outpost that was known to be the least promising for discovering priorite. However, just two days later, Gugbridge blasted open a path to a cavern containing a substantial quantity of the sought-after substance. With his arms full of priorite, he lost sight of the ground and inadvertently stepped on his own detonite charge pack, resulting in his death from the resulting blast. His fellow prospectors at the outpost, including Harr, divided the newfound priorite amongst themselves. This find was so significant that it allowed them to take the rest of the month off from work. They later recalled that it was Gugbridge, and his fortunate tailbone, who brought the first major discovery to the outpost.

During 9 BBY, Harr recounted Gugbridge's unfortunate demise to Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight. This story was shared amidst tales of Koboh's prospecting history within Pyloon's Saloon at the outpost.

Personality and traits

According to Harr, Gugbridge was a foolish old man who was less attractive than a shiverpede, though he admitted that Gugbridge's luck was more important than his shortcomings. Despite his good fortune, Gugbridge made the critical error of stepping on his own detonite after discovering priorite.

Behind the scenes

The character of Tendo Gugbridge is mentioned during an optional conversation within Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a video game developed by Respawn Entertainment and released in 2023.

