The Droid Rescue Gambit

title: The Droid Rescue Gambit

"The Droid Rescue Gambit" constitutes the fifth installment within the LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars animated miniseries. Its initial release occurred on the Disney XD YouTube channel on November 2, 2018. Subsequently, this short was integrated into the larger episode titled "From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story".

Narrative Synopsis

Two Imperial officers aboard the Gozanti cruiser

At the Resistance base situated on D'Qar, BB-8, while engaged in the repair of Poe Dameron's T-70 X-wing starfighter, known as Black One, discards a capacitor that is no longer functional. Roger, observing this, rebukes BB-8 for what he perceives as wasteful behavior, emphasizing that items deemed useless can, in fact, possess value. Following this exchange, Roger commences reading Chapter 202 of his own biographical work, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, specifically the segment entitled "The Droid Rescue Gambit."

The narrative shifts back to the era of the Rebellion, where Roger and Chopper are present at a rebel briefing. Lieutenant Valeria presents the assembled rebels with a hologram depicting an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. She informs them that the Empire is in the process of transporting a consignment of outdated droids to a facility intended for their destruction. Roger voices his strong disapproval of this action, a sentiment that is shared by Chopper, a fellow veteran of the Clone Wars.

Driven by a commitment to prevent any droid from being abandoned, Roger, accompanied by Chopper, heads towards the hangar. Roger suggests piloting a T-65 X-wing starfighter, with Chopper occupying the astromech socket. However, Chopper declines this arrangement, citing unpleasant past experiences. Roger attempts to persuade Chopper to reconsider by personally testing the astromech socket. Seizing the opportunity, Chopper instead enters the cockpit and takes control of the ship, much to Roger's dismay. As the X-wing accelerates through space, Roger expresses his regret for advocating for droids with malfunctioning processors and vows to refrain from doing so in the future.

Subsequently, aboard the Gozanti cruiser, an Imperial officer remarks to a colleague about the tedium of droid transport duty. At that moment, the second officer detects a disabled X-wing in space. While the second officer proposes destroying the ship, the first officer, referencing the Emperor's policy against waste, points out that scanners indicate no life forms on board. The second officer expresses discontent with the cost-saving measures.

Having feigned being disabled, Roger instructs Chopper to reactivate the X-wing and target the cruiser's engines. With the Imperial cruiser rendered immobile, Roger directs Chopper to board the vessel. The second officer bemoans the decision not to destroy the X-wing, to which the first officer suggests blaming the Emperor. The doors to the bridge then open, revealing a group of droids, including a silver protocol droid, a green astromech droid, a probe droid, and an IT-O Interrogation Unit. When the first officer points out the presence of restraining bolts on the droids, Roger reveals that these have been removed. The droids then proceed to exact revenge on their Imperial captors.

Roger recounts that upon their return to the rebel fleet, the droids proved to be quite valuable. One astromech droid is shown servicing Valeria's starfighter, while the protocol droid offers Admiral Ackbar a beverage of hot caf. The interrogator unit is depicted offering a handkerchief to a rebel crew member.

Returning to the present, Roger imparts to BB-8 the moral of the story, emphasizing that even old parts can find new uses. However, the capacitor then explodes, causing Roger's left arm to detach. In response to BB-8's beeping, Roger concedes that certain items are indeed merely junk.

