The Good Stuff!

"The Good Stuff!", a brief animated installment, marks the third entry in the LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars miniseries. Its initial release occurred on October 31, 2018, through the Disney XD YouTube channel. Subsequently, the short found its place within the compilation episode titled "From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story."

Plot summary

The narrative commences with Roger dispensing a container of 30 weight oil to R2-D2 inside the Home One's hangar. He remarks that the 30 weight oil evokes memories of Chapter 48 from his autobiography, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, specifically the section titled "The Good Stuff."

In Roger's recounted flashback, Rebel Alliance operative Cassian Jeron Andor provides instructions to K-2SO, the reprogrammed Imperial security droid, regarding a task to acquire a collection of pilfered Imperial codes from a Gotal rebel spy who is posing as a merchant. K-2SO expresses his dislike for the Gotal merchant's flamboyant orange attire, asserting that spies should avoid attracting undue attention. Cassian informs K-230 that the Gotal anticipates a droid and that the designated password is "fetch me the good stuff."

K-2SO voices his dissatisfaction with the code phrase, deeming it subpar. Cassian retorts about K-2S0's constant critique of every aspect of the mission. K-2SO responds by stating that he only finds fault with 99.7% of the mission. Cassian instructs K-2S0 to proceed as planned. K-2SO approaches the Gotal spy, complimenting him on his jacket. However, Roger's hoversled collides with K-2SO, knocking him over. Roger has arrived at the Gotal merchant's location after learning about a fresh delivery of "30 weight" or "the good stuff." Roger commands the merchant to hand over everything he has.

The Gotal provides Roger with one unit of the "good stuff." Roger expresses his disappointment at the small size of the order and carelessly discards the hoversled, causing it to crash into something nearby. Cassian recognizes that his plan has gone awry. Three stormtroopers identify the Gotal merchant as a traitor and demand information about the whereabouts of the codes. The Gotal merchant attempts to bluff his way out of the situation until the stormtroopers aim their blasters at him.

Roger is departing with the can when the stormtroopers command him to halt. The stormtroopers open fire, causing Roger to flee. Roger assumes that the Empire is after his delicious oil and barely avoids colliding with a human man who is carrying a tray of fruit. The stormtroopers knock the man over and find themselves at a dead end. Roger attempts to conceal himself inside a trash receptacle, impersonating an astromech droid named "R2-3PO." One of the stormtroopers points out that astromech droids are incapable of speaking Basic.

Roger attempts to communicate using Binary language, but the second stormtrooper kicks open the bin. As two of the stormtroopers restrain him, Roger demands the return of his 30 weight oil can, asserting that the Empire can afford more oil. The lead stormtrooper retrieves the Imperial codes from the can and commends his men for their successful operation. Posing as an Imperial droid, K-2S0 asserts that he has been instructed to take the code for processing. When one of the stormtroopers inquires whether they brought a security droid, K-2SO incapacitates them with his arms before responding in the negative.

When Roger inquires about the situation, K-2S0 offers a small expression of gratitude and returns Roger's can of "the good stuff" after recovering the Imperial codes. After delivering the codes to Cassian, K-2SO remarks that he is not the only droid who has been repurposed for a noble cause and adds that he despises the taste of 30 weight.

Returning to the present moment, Roger confesses that he still does not know the identities of those individuals. R2-D2 responds in Binary, indicating that they were heroes of the Rebellion. Roger is amazed and proposes a toast to the fallen Cassian and K-2SO.

