The leader of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, known as The High Priest, was a male Lorrdian. In accordance with his faith's principles of abandoning the self, he relinquished his given name. His adherents addressed him solely through a distinctive, high-pitched, mournful sound. This priest guided his followers on a pilgrimage to Jedha City on the moon of Jedha, spending time in its marketplaces shortly before the city's destruction in 1 BBY.

Serving as the head of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, the Lorrdian male was known as the High Priest. His religious beliefs required the abandonment of all personal identity, and so the priest willingly discarded his own name. Instead, his followers would only address him with a specific, mournful wail. This was the sole means of communication between the Brotherhood and the High Priest, given the group's commitment to silence.
The High Priest led the Brotherhood, including Toshdor Ni, another Lorrdian, on a pilgrimage to Jedha City, situated on the sacred moon of Jedha. In 1 BBY, he was seen leaning against an alley wall in the city alongside a Brotherhood member when Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor, agents of the rebel alliance, walked by. He then moved into a market square, standing near two other Brotherhood members as Erso encountered Chirrut Îmwe, a Guardian of the Whills, for the first time. As Erso and Andor left the square, they walked in the direction of the priest, who then passed them and returned to the square. Shortly thereafter, the Galactic Empire used the Death Star superweapon to destroy Jedha City.
During his time on Jedha, the High Priest was seen wearing the Blue Gown of the Sullen Moon and the Lorrdian Cowl of Quiescence, both of which were colored in matching shades of blue and yellow. He also carried a metallic staff and wore brown shoes.
The Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, released on December 16, 2016, marked the first appearance of the High Priest. Prior to the film's debut, the character was revealed as part of promotional footage for Rogue One that was shown at Celebration Europe on July 15, 2016. The title of the character was then provided in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day as the film.