The comic tale called "The Lost Eggs of Livorno" was featured as the supporting story in Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, going on sale April 18, 2018.
Jaxxon T. Tumperakki found himself in a situation where he was about to crash-land above a certain planet, all while loudly bragging about his past triumphs. Upon the less-than-graceful arrival, Amaiza Foxtrain expressed her intense displeasure with Tumperakki, suggesting she'd have been better off collaborating with Han Solo. After they landed, Foxtrain, visibly upset, departed to connect with their contact, warning Tumperakki to make himself presentable or risk never working together again.
As he tinkered with his starship, the Rabbit's Foot, he questioned his maintenance droid, ML-08 or "Mel," about the missing modulator and became enraged upon learning of the droid's oversight. As he commenced the repair, Foxtrian interrupted, returning with their contact: Queen Prizzi from Livorno. The Queen requested that she deliver a box containing eggs to Princess Leia Organa. These eggs represented the last of the queen's species, which had been pushed to near-extinction by the Galactic Empire. Tumperakki, reluctant to involve himself with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, initially declined the mission. However, Foxtrain's comment about wishing she had worked with Solo instead changed his mind. As they prepared to leave, Imperial stormtroopers appeared, attempting to thwart their escape, but they fought their way out.
Aboard the Rabbit's Foot, Queen Prizzi voiced her concerns about the safety of her eggs. Tumperakki attempted to reassure her by showing her the eggs, only to then notice that Foxtrain was missing from the ship. Suddenly, Prizzi's eggs began to hatch, but instead of her species, bats emerged. The bats then began to attack them, leading Tumperakki to realize that Foxtrain had betrayed them and absconded with the real eggs.
On The Wheel, Foxtrain was in the process of auctioning off the eggs, presenting them as some of the rarest items in The galaxy. During the auction, one bidder revealed themselves as an agent of the Empire. A blaster firefight erupted, only to be interrupted by a hooded figure who began to mock the agent. The hooded figure then revealed themselves to be Tumperakki, who promptly knocked out the agent. Foxtrain then opened fire on Tumperakki, but he was able to evade her shots. Tumperakki then released the bats from a box he had brought, sending them towards Foxtrain. He then retrieved the correct eggs and made his escape while Foxtrain dealt with the bats.
Tumperakki, along with Queen Prizzi, arrived at the Rebel Fleet with the eggs. Aboard the rebel ship, Prizzi expressed her gratitude to Organa for her assistance and to Tumperakki for delivering her. Solo attempted to make a joke at Tumperakki's expense, but Tumperakki cut him off to greet him. Organa thanked Tumperakki and requested the eggs. At that moment, Mel arrived to deliver the eggs but tripped, causing them to splatter on the floor. While everyone else panicked, Tumperakki remained composed, revealing that he knew they were fake. Solo expressed his surprise that Tumpernakki knew, and the Lepi explained that he had Mel scan them beforehand. Organa then revealed that the real eggs had been sent ahead with Solo, and the eggs they had were a decoy, as R2-D2 arrived with the real eggs. However, Organa still promised to pay Tumperakki and have Solo assist him in repairing his ship, which ultimately pleased Tumperakki.