Thenn was a human female with blond hair, who held a position in the Galactic Empire's military. She held the military_rank of captain during the time of the Iron Blockade, and was positioned in the isolated Anoat sector, with operations taking place on worlds like Burnin Konn and Bespin.
During the turmoil occurring in the sector, Thenn sought out a skilled local scoundrel to request help with conducting unofficial operations for the captain. Promising to ignore the part-time mercenary's offenses, Captain Thenn enlisted the scoundrel for assignments such as executing a revenge attack on Cloud City gangsters who were responsible for the death of an Imperial agent, as well as removing unlawful prospective scavengers from an Imperial wreckage site located on Hoth. She provided Imperial gear as payment for these services.
The initial appearance of Captain Thenn in Star Wars canon was in Star Wars: Uprising, a multiplayer mobile game developed by Kabam and launched on September 10, 2015 for both iOS and Android. She functions as a quest provider, presenting uncommon "Imperial Opportunity" assignments for the player to accomplish.