Tirs Maladane, hailing from Little Mochot on the planet Tatooine, was a lieutenant who served as a gunner aboard the Galactic Alliance Star Destroyer Anakin Solo. He served under the command of Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight who also held the position of Chief of State within the Galactic Alliance. This lieutenant's service saw him participate in battles like Hapes and Kuat during the Second Galactic Civil War, a war between the Confederation and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
Later, Maladane took part in the Battle of Kashyyyk, where, following Solo's orders, he discharged a starboard quad turbolaser into the Kashyyyk forests. He would later recount this experience in Wookiee World Horror Witness!, a segment featured on TriNebulon News.
Tirs Maladane's origins lie in Little Mochot, a settlement on the arid Outer Rim planet of Tatooine. At the age of fifteen, Maladane was sent by his aunt to Pii III for the summer to earn money working in the Greel wood logging industry. On his first day, a torrential downpour occurred, and Maladane, unlike his fellow workers, reveled in the rain, laughing and cheering. Upon his return to Little Mochot, the memory of the rain became a nightly dream.
In his subsequent years, Maladane became a lieutenant serving on the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances' Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Anakin Solo, under the command of Jacen Solo, the Jedi Knight who was also the Galactic Alliance's Chief of State. The crew, including Maladane, sometimes referred to the Anakin Solo as the "Black Annie." As a gunner manning the starboard lateral quad turbolaser cannon, he fought in battles such as Kuat and Hapes during the Second Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation. Following the Jedi Order's abandonment of the Galactic Alliance at Kuat in 40 ABY due to Solo's move against the Jedi Academy on Ossus, Jacen Solo, now secretly the Sith Darth Caedus, led the Anakin Solo to Kashyyyk to confront the Jedi and Wookiees harboring them.
After the Jedi and Wookiees refused to surrender, Maladane and the other gunners were ordered to fire into Kashyyyk's forests. Despite his initial shock and request for confirmation, Maladane complied, knowing refusal would result in imprisonment and replacement. He wept as the ancient Wroshyr trees were set ablaze. When enemy starfighters attacked, Maladane welcomed the opportunity to target them, finding it a more justifiable target. In 41 ABY, the year the war concluded, he shared his experiences in the TriNebulon News feature Wookiee World Horror Witness!.
Maladane's Tatooine origins instilled in him a deep appreciation for rain. His joyous reaction to the downpour on Pii III, and his subsequent nightly dreams of rain, highlighted this unusual trait. He feared the Galactic Alliance Guard, led by Jacen Solo, and recognized the gravity of the situation upon arriving at Kashyyyk. He also held the Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk in high regard. Despite his reservations, he followed the order to fire on the forests, understanding the consequences of disobedience. However, he was surprised enough by the order to ask Solo to repeat it.
Given the choice, Maladane would have avoided firing on the forests. He believed that no individual should possess the power to destroy something as ancient as the Wroshyr trees with such ease, and he wept throughout the bombardment. He welcomed the opportunity to engage attacking starfighters, viewing them as legitimate targets. He also agreed to share his experiences of the battle with the galaxy through Wookiee World Horror Witness!.
Tirs Maladane's character was initially introduced in the 2012 publication The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. The book serves as a comprehensive overview of conflicts within the Star Wars galaxy.