Tobyl, a male Human residing on the planet of Coruscant, served the Coruscant Security Force as a police officer alongside his colleague, Jat'ho. This occurred during the period of the Second Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Confederation. In the year 41 ABY, he participated in a Galactic Alliance Guard operation aimed at apprehending GAG Captain Lon Shevu and the Jedi named Ben Skywalker.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances against the Confederation, Tobyl worked as a police officer for the Coruscant Security Force. He was a male Human. In 41 ABY, Tobyl and Jat'ho, his partner, took part in an operation with the goal of capturing Lon Shevu, a Captain in the Galactic Alliance Guard, as well as Ben Skywalker, a Jedi. Following the confrontation, the two officers were managing the crowd and protecting a medwagon that held two injured GAG agents. At that moment, Jaina Solo and Leia Organa Solo, both Jedi Knights, approached them. Jaina required the medwagon to chase after the GAG doomsled that was transporting Skywalker. She informed Tobyl and his partner that she was investigating their sergeant, Qade, and needed the vehicle to further her investigation. She also insisted that they not file a report, although Tobyl initially hesitated. Solo then used a mind trick to make her story believable to the two officers. Convinced, Tobyl and Jat'ho allowed her to pass, and she commandeered the medwagon. Meanwhile, the two officers resumed their crowd control duties.
At the time of the mission to capture Captain Lon Shevu and Ben Skywalker, Tobyl possessed handsome features, including bright white teeth, and sported a two-day growth of beard stubble. Despite being younger than his partner, Jat'ho, he displayed a greater level of cynicism toward the alleged subversive actions of the Galactic Alliance Guard. When Jaina Solo employed mind tricks on Tobyl, she observed that he had a weak mind, enabling her to persuade him that she was a member of the GAG and to seize control of the medwagon. His performance reviews were not stellar, and the prospect of a commendation from Jaina Solo motivated him.
Troy Denning penned the novel Invincible, which was published on May 13, 2008 as part of the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, and it marked Tobyl's initial appearance. The entry for Tobyl in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published on December 9 of the same year, erroneously identifies Tobyl as a member of the Galactic Alliance Guard, rather than the Coruscant Security Force.