The criminal organization known as the Toren crime family, alternatively referred to as Papa Toren's group, was headed by the crime lord Toren and operated during the reign of the Galactic Empire. In the period between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the criminal syndicate that had resurfaced, Crimson Dawn, disseminated information among the criminal community suggesting that the Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine desired to terminate the Empire's alliance with the Hutt Clan following the Grand Hutt Council's act of betrayal by attacking the Executor, which served as the flagship of his apprentice, the Sith warlord Darth Vader. Lady Qi'ra, who directed Crimson Dawn, dispatched her advisor Trinia to Papa Toren's lair located on Castell to communicate to Toren that he would be seeking a different collaborator to initiate the Syndicate War. At some point following Trinia's appearance, an informant within Toren's organization, acting as a contact for Imperial Security Bureau Director Sliro Barsha, made the Director aware of Crimson Dawn's involvement, leading Palpatine to the understanding that Crimson Dawn's objective was to eliminate the Sith.