Tree of Te Ani'la

The Te Ani'la trees were a type of decorative tree characterized by their green leaves and brown trunks, belonging to a specific species. Throughout the Clone Wars, these trees were deliberately planted on top of the Royal Academy of Government situated on the planet of Mandalore. Two rows of these trees bordered the pathway leading to the academy's entrance, with additional trees arranged at consistent intervals around the building's perimeter. These trees were shaped through pruning to mirror the architectural style prevalent in Sundari, the capital city of Mandalore, where the academy was situated. Despite their diminutive size, these trees possessed a surprising age.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Te Ani'la trees occurred in the sixth episode of Season Three of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show, entitled "The Academy." Within the current Star Wars canon, their designation was first established within the 2017 reference work titled Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia. The designation "Te Ani'la" was initially devised by Doran, a user on Wookieepedia, for the character known as Mandalore the Ultimate within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

