
Tritus, a Mere Resistance vessel, was a Mere cruiser under the command of Captain Juno, who was part of Nym's pirate group. The Tritus saw action during the Battle of Nod Kartha.

Its contribution was essential in enabling the Lok Revenants to bypass the Orbital Defense Cannons and Trade Federation starfighters. Although its counterpart, the Kethor, received recognition for disabling the shield, the Tritus provided the Revenants with the necessary window to reach the planet's surface and eliminate the Trihexalon manufacturing plant. Following the fighter assault on the factory, the Tritus engaged in a protracted struggle with the Sabaoth Destroyer, the Reaver, as both ships vied for control of a disassembled orbital defense cannon situated far above the world. Furthermore, the Tritus spearheaded an assault team to obliterate Captain Cavik Toth's fleet orbiting Geonosis, and subsequently descended to the planet's surface to assist the Jedi forces.

