
A male human, gifted with the Force, known as Two-Blade, was a clone. He originated within an Imperial research facility situated on a frozen moon located deep within the Unknown Regions.


In the year 41 ABY, the Galactic Empire engineered Two-Blade, a Human clone who was Force-sensitive. This creation occurred within a research facility on a frozen moon nestled in the Unknown Regions. This was part of a cloning initiative spearheaded by Grand Admiral Thrawn alongside numerous others. However, the identity of his genetic source remained a mystery.

Subsequently, the newly formed Community engaged in combat, ultimately killing and deposing the Imperial forces that managed the research facility. For numerous years, Two-Blade, along with his fellow clones, remained on the moon. It wasn't until 41.5 ABY that they managed to escape the facility. Their escape was facilitated by the theft of a CloakShape fighter that had been brought to the moon by Kell Douro, an Anzat Sith agent. Tragically, Alpha met his end at the hands of Jaden Korr, a Jedi Knight.

With the exception of the clone known as Soldier, Two-Blade and the other members of the Community were afflicted by an illness stemming from their cloned origins. During their escape from the research facility, the CloakShape traversed through lingering remnants of the Lignan cargo previously held by the Sith dreadnaught Harbinger, which had been destroyed not long before. Exposure to the Lignan heightened the clones' sensitivity to the Force and accelerated the progression of their illness.

Gravely ill yet clinging to life, Two-Blade endured until their arrival on Fhost. There, he was abandoned on the starship, surrounded by the corpses of deceased clones, as the remaining survivors sought medication and a replacement medical starship. Ultimately succumbing to the disease, he was murdered by Nyss Nenn, who fatally stabbed him in the chest with a knife. This occurred while Nyss and his sister infiltrated the vessel during their pursuit of Soldier on behalf of the One Sith.

Powers and abilities

The moniker "Two-Blade" was potentially earned due to his proficiency in Jar'Kai, a skill that distinguished him from the other members of the Community.

