A particular kind of incense was crafted utilizing the petals sourced from uneti blossoms of the Great Tree, which was a uneti tree located on the Core Worlds planet of Coruscant. The creation of this incense is attributed to Jedi Master Wishan around the time of 231 BBY.
In that year, Jedi Master Stellan Gios discovered the incense was extremely helpful for meditating aboard the starship Coruscant Dawn while en route to the Republic Fair on the planet Valo. While he was at the fair, Gios offered to ship a box of the incense to Padawan Bell Zettifar when Zettifar noticed some uneti blossoms.
Cavan Scott mentioned the incense in his 2021 novel, The High Republic: The Rising Storm, which was part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.