A B1-series battle droid with masculine programming was seized and then utilized by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. This particular B1-series battle droid was part of a group of four droids that were placed under the command of the astromech droid R2-D2 during a mission to the Outer Rim planet of Lola Sayu. The mission involved flying a shuttle carrying a Republic strike team, whose members were carbon-frozen, to rescue Jedi Master Even Piell from the [Citadel](/article/citadel] prison. Following the strike team's infiltration, Anakin Skywalker ordered R2 to have the droids land the shuttle at the prison's designated landing pad. Upon exiting the shuttle, R2 and the droids were confronted by K2-B4, a T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, who was suspicious of the shuttle's authenticity. The battle droid quickly feigned that the astromech was his captive, successfully infiltrating the prison. While traveling in a turbolift, the battle droid apologized to R2 after the astromech bumped into his leg. After meeting the strike team, who had been captured and then escaped, the droids once again posed as guards escorting their "prisoners" back to the shuttle. However, they were ambushed, leading to the shuttle's destruction, and the droids were forced to flee alongside the rest of the team. Following Piell's demise, the droids made the ultimate sacrifice, holding off the pursuing Separatist forces. Another droid told R2 it had been an honor to serve under him, before the droids charged into a LM-432 crab droid and several BX-series droid commandos and were destroyed.