A pediatric medical facility, operated by the Sisters of the Ninth Plane, existed on the celestial body known as Novor. The year 231 BBY saw Ola Hest, an agent of the Hutt Clan, dispatched to this medcenter to demand protection payments. Upon the Sisters' refusal and order for her to depart, the enforcer turned her frigate's engines toward the building, resulting in its total destruction and the deaths of everyone inside; Hest later claimed it was unintentional. Eventually, the Jedi Master Porter Engle apprehended the enforcer.
Aboard the Galactic Republic's correctional vessel, the Restitution, in 231 BBY, the Nihil Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, while incarcerated, learned of Hest's actions at the children's medcenter from a fellow inmate, Sestin Blin. Blin also conveyed her belief that the event was no accident, and that the enforcer was deliberate in her actions and wanted her intentions to be known.
The existence of a children's medcenter was referenced in The High Republic: Tempest Runner, a 2021 audio drama, penned by Cavan Scott and released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multi-platform narrative.