Lourna Dee (prison ship)

The Lourna Dee served as the flagship for Lourna Dee, the Tempest Runner within the Nihil marauder group, after her initial starship with the same name was destroyed. Before becoming Dee's flagship, this vessel was known as the Restitution, a correctional ship utilized by the Galactic Republic. This ship, the Restitution, was in constant transit between various star systems, and the prisoners onboard received training to atone for their crimes. Dee was placed on the Restitution after she was apprehended by the Republic and the Jedi Order, who did not realize her true identity. More than a month following Dee's capture, the Restitution underwent an attack orchestrated by Pan Eyta, a former Nihil Tempest Runner seeking vengeance against Dee. Despite Dee's initial steps away from her prior Nihil affiliation, this assault ultimately led her to seize control of the correctional vessel, as the majority of its crew had been killed by the attackers. Dee rechristened the ship with her own name, and she rejoined the Nihil, bringing the surviving prisoners to form her new Tempest. Later on, Dee chose to utilize the former Jedi starcruiser Ataraxia, which she commandeered during the destruction of Starlight Beacon, as her new personal ship, also renaming it Lourna Dee.

