Unidentified clone trooper regiment

A detachment of clone stormtroopers serving the Galactic Empire was stationed on the world of Ferrix during the early years of the Imperial Era, specifically in 19 BBY.


In 19 BBY, the planet Ferrix saw the arrival of a regiment of clone stormtroopers sent by the Galactic Empire. These clone troopers were equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, in addition to both DC-15A blaster carbines and DC-15A blaster rifles. An Imperial officer, who was not a clone, served as their commanding officer. This officer was clad in a black military uniform.


The assembled clone troopers within the regiment took aim at a group of inhabitants who were protesting the Imperial occupation of Ferrix.

In the year 19 BBY, which marked the beginning of the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire dispatched a regiment of clone stormtroopers to assert control over Ferrix. This action was met with resistance from the planet's inhabitants. As the clone troopers marched along Rix Road, they were targeted by angry protesters throwing stones, demanding the departure of the Imperials and the restoration of the former Galactic Republic. In response, an Imperial officer ordered his troops to aim their weapons at the protesters. Clem Andor, who was attempting to ease the tension, was unjustly hanged after the Imperials wrongly accused him of being involved in the protest.

Subsequently, following Andor's execution, four clone stormtroopers were stationed as guards in the town's central square. Andor's adopted son, Cassian Jeron Andor, entered the square armed with a baton, intending to avenge his father by killing the troopers. Upon noticing the approaching boy, the troopers prepared their blasters and moved to intercept him, ultimately arresting him.

