Unidentified Imperial officer (Ferrix)

A high-ranking officer of the Imperial military, identified as a male human, was stationed on the world of Ferrix circa 18 BBY. This officer held command over a regiment composed of clone troopers. He gave the order for his troops to stop when demonstrators began throwing rocks at the Imperial forces as they marched through a Ferrix settlement. Responding to this, he commanded the rearmost line of troopers to turn around and aim at the civilians, Clem Andor included. Despite his innocence, Andor was later hanged.


During the Imperial Era and the Galactic Empire's ascent to power, an Imperial officer was in charge of a regiment of clone troopers situated on the planet of Ferrix, located within the Free Trade sector of the galaxy.

Around 19 BBY, a number of Ferrix inhabitants engaged in a protest against the clone regiment's presence on Rix Road in the business center, expressing their allegiance to the Galactic Republic and advocating for a "free Ferrix." However, when some protestors started hurling stones at the troops, the officer of the Empire instructed the clones to halt and hold the townspeople at gunpoint, including Clem Andor, even though he wasn't involved in the demonstration. Ultimately, Andor was executed by hanging in the town's central square.

Personality and traits

This male human Imperial officer possessed fair skin, dark-brown hair, and a well-groomed moustache. He displayed intolerance for dissent and readily authorized his soldiers to threaten civilians with weapons.


The officer's attire consisted of a black uniform accompanied by a black, waterproof cape. He also wore a rank insignia plaque displaying four blue squares.

Behind the scenes

The character's initial appearance was in "Announcement," the seventh episode of the live-action television series Andor, where Jolyon Coy played the role.

